CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“I want to see it, before I believe it.”

We are visually oriented people.

We seem to trust our eyes more than our other senses.

It’s why we call our ultimate direction our “vision”. It’s why in the middle of the night, if we think we hear something, we want to take a look before we feel safe enough to fall back asleep. We can hear news through the grapevine, but we doubt it until we see it.

Recognizing this, we can leverage it to our advantage. Many of us will agree that there is power in writing down our goals, and this is why. We begin to believe it that much more. It feels that much more real.

Write down our vision. Write down our goals. Write down anything that is important, not because it’s a mundane task… but because we need to see it, before we believe it.

Clean and Jerk (Clean & Jerk

6 Sets:
Set 1: 2 Clean & Jerks 82%
Set 2: 2 Clean & Jerks 84%
Set 3: 2 Clean & Jerks 86%
Set 4: 2 Clean & Jerks 84%
Set 5: 2 Clean & Jerks 86%
Set 6: 2 Clean & Jerks 88%
Rest 1 min. Between Sets)

– Reps do not need to be touch and go. Barbell can be set downbetween reps.

– These can be squat or power cleans as well as split or push jerks.

– Score: Enter weights used for each set.


With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Strict Presses

5 Deadlifts

5 Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Squat Cleans

5 Split Jerks

With A Light Weight:

3 Clean & Jerks

With A Moderate Weight:

2 Clean & Jerks

…Keep making weight jumps until you reach 82%.


– Reduce Percentages

– Sub Dumbbells

– Cleans Only

ESPN 8: The Ocho (Time)

“ESPN 8: The Ocho”

8 Rounds For Time:
200 Meter Run
4 Bar Muscle-ups
8 Clean & Jerks

MRx: 85/55, Rx: 95/ 65, Rx+: 115/85

– Feel: This workout should feel like intervals of bar muscle-ups & clean & jerks with a “recovery run” between. The barbell should feel light-moderate and the muscle-ups should be completed in 1-2 sets.

– Run: Less than 1:15 each round.

– BMU: Less than 1:00 each round.

– C&J: Less than 1:00 each round.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout.
– Let’s try to choose a strategy that we can stick to for all 8 rounds.

– Options on the barbell are unbroken sets, quick singles, or a mix of small sets and singles. Choose something you KNOW you can stick with for the whole workout.

– Options on the bar muscle-ups are unbroken or 2 sets. We want to again, pick something we know we can stick with. If you will need to do singles, we highly suggest bringing these reps down to 2 or 3 per round or using a band.

– The run should be paced according to how the other movements feel.



– 250m Row

– 200m Ski

– 500m Bike

– 150m Air Run

– 9 Shuttle Runs (25ft. Out + 25ft. Back)


– Reduce Reps

– Banded

– Jumping

– Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

– Pull-Ups

– 4 Burpee To Target (6″)


– Reduce Reps/Loading

– Sub Dumbbells

– Cleans Only

– Jerks Only