CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Sally Up” (AMRAP – Reps)

Push ups

Heather’s Choice (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Divide the class into two teams, with a 30 minute AMRAP do:
1) 50 battle ropes
2) 10 (5/5) – db bent over rows MRx: 30/20; Rx: 45/35; Rx+: 60/40
3) 16′ lunge zone (with each step, knee to ground and rear leg raise)
4) 10 EZ curl biceps MRx: 15/10; Rx: 20/15; Rx+; 30/20
5) 10 rollouts
6) 300m ski erg
7) 500m Echo bike
8) 100 flutter kicks
9) 10 (each arm) seated isolation db curl MRx: 15/10, Rx: 22.5/17.5; Rx+: 35/25
10) 16′ lunge zone (with each step, knee to ground and rear leg raise)
11) 10 db pull overs MRx: 30/20; Rx: 45/35; Rx+: 60/40
Single file, go as fast as the slowest team member. Work together to motivate and keep the team moving.