CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Do not fear failure. But be terrified of regret.” – Ashley Soughtley Spaulding
The reality of life is that we will hear more “no’s” than “yes’s”.
And we will fail.
A lot.
But despite the hundreds of doors closed on our phase, the hundreds of times we are told “no way”, they will never haunt us. What we will regret will be the instances where we gave up. Where we told *ourselves” no.
We don’t fear failure… we welcome it. It’s where the learning occurs. Where the real magic happens.
Power Clean (Power Clean
5 Sets:
Set 1: 5 Power Cleans @ 70%
Set 2: 5 Power Cleans @ 70%
Set 3: 5 Power Cleans @ 70%
Set 4: 5 Power Cleans @ 70%
Set 5: Max Power Cleans @ 70%
Rest 1 Minute Between Sets.
– Each set should be performed at the same weight.
– The last should be a max touch and go set. Pausing in the front rack or hang position is okay but resting and re-gripping with the bar on the legs or in the hip crease will NOT be permitted.
– Score: Enter total reps completed in set 5.
With An Empty Barbell:
5 Good Mornings
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
With A Light Weight:
5 Power Cleans
With A Moderate Weight:
3 Power Cleans
…Make more jumps if needed until you reach 70%
“Built DifferenT” (Time)
“Built DifferenT”
For Time:
30 Pull-ups
3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT”
20 Pull-ups
2 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT”
10 Pull-ups
1 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT”
Dumbbells: MRx: 30/20, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35
1 Round of Dumbbell “DT”:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
– This is a repeat workout from 5/2/22. There have been a few slight modification for some age groups.
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold. Athletes will grind through this workout at their maximal sustainable pace.
– Chest To Bar: Athletes should be able to complete sets of 5 or more.
– Dumbbell “DT”: Performed with 2 dumbbells. 1 Round should take 1:00 or less.
– Score: Time
– This workout is going to get grippy. Let’s break the pull-ups right from the start. Aim for 2-6 sets depending on your capacity and your confidence in maintaining your pull-up sets in the later rounds.
– We can approach the “DT” rounds in a few ways:
– Complete full round unbroken.
– 11-1 on the DL, 8-1 on the HPC, and 6 PJ Unbroken
– 11-1 on the DL, 5-3-1 on the HPC, and 6 PJ Unbroken
– Choose the “DT” strategy that will be the most sustainable throughout as well as a strategy that will allow you to stick to your pull-up plan.
– Reduce Reps
– 15-10-5 Strict
– Banded
– Regular Pull-Ups
– Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows
– Reduce Loading
– Reduce Reps
– Sub Barbell