CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Together but separate (AMRAP – Reps)

Using a 60s/30s work/rest split, AND DOING TWO ROUNDS in teams of two do:
1) lateral banded leg step ups
2) kb low push up holds
3) wall hack squats MRx: 35; Rx: 45; Rx+: 65
4) banded clam shells
5) banded straight leg hip abduction
6) partner assisted wheel barrel elbow plank surprise
7) pike push ups
8) db biceps finishers (aka peak builders) MRx: 35; Rx: 45; Rx+: 55
9) skater squats MRx & Rx: 10; Rx+: 15
10) upside down kb single arm bench MRx: 10; Rx: 15; Rx+ 20
11) floor chest flies w/ alternating leg raises MRx: 10 Rx: 15: Rx+: 20
12)floor bench press MRx & Rx: 35; Rx+ 45
1) steady and decisive movements

2) chest at kb handle level, not resting on anything

3) bumpers touching the wall

4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11) do one side each round

6) let go of one leg, next rep is when person stabilizes

7) nose to ground

12) as many as possible