CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Savage” (AMRAP – Reps)

In teams of two, 3 minutes work/:30s switch and rest, for total reps:
1) roll out, starting in push up position
2) calf raises
3) weighted abs MRx/Rx/Rx+: 45/35
4) steering wheel turns MRx/Rx/Rx+: 25/15
5) 1-hand roll outs 1 rep= above head, 45 degree, 90 degree
6) Gorilla rows MRx: 25/15; Rx: 35/20; Rx+: 45/35
7) Revolt bar rope curls MRx: 28/18; Rx: 38/ 28; Rx+: 48/38 (alternate partners)
8) weighted push ups: MRx: 25; Rx: 35; Rx+: 45
9) hanging single leg raise (up/up & down/down = 1 rep)
10) Echo bike sprints for calories (1 works, 1 rests)