CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.” – Carls Von Karlswich

Are we trying to do too much?

We are an ambitious group. The growth mindset. The hunger mindset. It is rare for us to come up short on effort. But the emphasis of this quote is not on the back, but the front. “One great decisive aim”. What it hones in on, is the factor of choice.

To be able to stand in a room with a thousand doors, and be able to close 999 of them.

It can be ironically be far more challenging to *not* do something… than to do it.

Together let’s take a step back today, and boil things down the basics. What are we after?

Sometimes less can be more.

Let’s Move! (Time)

8 Rounds For Quality:
3 Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Dumbbell Power Snatches
9 Hand Release Push-ups
15/12 Calorie Bike Erg

Single Dumbbell: MRx: 30/25, Rx: 50/35, Rx+: 70/50
– The goal of today’s active recovery is to just move and sweat at a moderate intensity.

– Let’s make the main focus today to move REALLY well on the heavier dumbbell snatches. Use 1 dumbbell and alternate hands every rep.

– You can go as hard or as easy as you’d like during this workout.

– Score: For Time

Warm Up

10 Box Step-Ups (20″)

5 Box Jumps (20″)

3 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

With Light Weight:

6 Dumbbell Deadlifts (3 Each Arm)

6 Russian Dumbbell Swings (3 Each Arm)

6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

With Workout Weight:

6 Dumbbell Deadlifts (3 Each Arm)

6 Russian Dumbbell Swings (3 Each Arm)

6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

5 Knee Push-Ups

4 Push-Ups

3 HR Push-Ups

1-2 Minute Bike



– Reduce Box Height

– Box Step-Ups

– Squat Jumps


– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Kettlebell Swings


– Reduce Reps

– Regular Push-Ups

– Elevate Hands


– 15/12 Cal Row

– 12/9 Cal Ski

– 12/9 Cal Assault or Echo Bike

– 15/12 Cal Air Run

– 15 x 10m Shuttle Runs

Thursday Mobility (No Measure)

Thursday Mobility

1:00 Child’s Pose
1:00 Shoulder to Floor (1:00 Each Side)    
1:00 Wrist Stretches  
1:00 Kneeling Front Rack Stretch
1:00 Down Dog  
1:00 Couch Stretch (Each Side)
1:00 Pigeon Pose (Each Side)    
1:00 Spiderman Hold (Each Side) 
1:00 Frog Stretch
1:00 Straddle Stretch