CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“If you know your opponent, but not yourself, you will lose 100% of the time.” – Samurai Proverb

To “keep up with the Jones” is an old expression about competitive neighbors. A power struggle – or perhaps better said popularity struggle – of status on the block. To “keep up”, one must be on top of their investigative game, predicting the next big move so they can outmatch. That may be a nicer lawn or a fancier family Christmas card.

As we visualize these friendly rivals battling it out on the block, it’s safe to say that both sides… will lose. There won’t be a winner there.

We can study our competition to great length. And, we will indeed learn some absolutely beneficial statistics. But all the external statistics in the world won’t move us forward until we turn the investigative glasses to: ourselves.

Skill Conditioning Benchmark (Time)

Skill Conditioning Benchmark

4 Rounds For Time [12 Minute Cap]:
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike*
50 Unbroken Double Unders

*Must Be Completed Under 1 Minute

– Athletes will need to decide how long to rest before each movement in order to complete the task at hand. 

– If you break up the double unders, you’ll have to start that set over.

– If you don’t complete the bike in under a minute you’ll need to complete the bike again. Athletes will need to average 400/320 watts to complete the bike in under 1:00.

– Athletes should not move through this like a typical 5 round workout. Rest will be needed but that rest, again, is up to the athlete.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout. If capped, add 1s for every missed rep.


– Reduce Cals

– 20/16 Cal Assault Bike

– 20/16 Cal Ski

– 20/16 Cal Air Run

– 250m Run

– 24/18 Cal Bike Erg or Row


– Reduce Reps

– 75 Single Unders

Marston (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

1 Deadlift (405/285)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Barbell Facing Burpees

Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, died during Navy SEAL parachute training in DeLand, Fla., Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015, at the age of 31. Marston was assigned to an East-coast based SEAL Team and served in the Navy for six years. Marston completed SEAL Training in 2009. He was a member of CrossFit Rife.
*THIS IS A HERO WOD. If you are scaling, this would be an example of how to scale.

RX is 405/285.

MRx 135/105 Rx: 245/185 Rx+: 405/285

– Conditioning Category: Pacer. Pacing will be an important factor in this workout.

– Deadlifts: The barbell should be heavy but should not cause the athlete to compromise their form. Loading should not exceed 80% of your 1RM deadlift.

– Toes To Bar: Should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Reps should take less than 1:30.

– Bar-Facing Burpees: Athletes should jump over the bar. Reps should take less than 2:00.

– Score: Total Rounds + Reps.

– Aim for 1-2 sets on the TTB

– Pace the burpees to minimize the transition time between your last burpee and your deadlift.

– Take a couple breaths and get into a really good setup position before lifting the bar each round.

– Remember that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. This is a long workout. It is better to be more conservative with your pacing than you want to be in this workout.



– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells

– Sub Kettlebells


– Reduce Reps

– Toes To As High As Possible

– Knees To Chest

– 10 GHDSU

– 15 Sit-Ups


– Reduce Reps

– Burpee + Step-Over The Bar

– Regular Burpees