CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“When it’s obvious that the goal cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goal, adjust the action steps.” Confucius

We’re drawing close to the end of 2021.

As we enter 2022, we’ll be planning some targets, some goals, some aspirations. As we put the time towards thinking of the year ahead, let’s do a visualization exercise together to help shape those thoughts.

Imagine we’re sitting together in a coffee shop… and it’s the *end* of 2022. Just about a year from today.

And I ask you,

“Hey friend. Tell me… what do you feel was your biggest accomplishment of 2022?”

“Did you set any goals that you set, but happened to miss? What would you change?”

“And last question… now with 2022 in hindsight, what do you think are your major growth areas for 2023?”

Split Jerk (Split Jerk

Build To A 1RM

– Barbell can come from a rack.

– Athletes are not required to re-rack the bar after reaching lockout. If you need to drop you just use the drop pads.

– Score: Enter heaviest successful lift.

Warm Up

20s Handstand Hold

20s Empty Barbell Overhead Hold

10 Empty Barbell Strict Presses

8 Empty Barbell Push Presses

6 Empty Barbell Push Jerks

4 Empty Barbell Split Jerks


Build to your heavy single as you hit split jerk singles from a rack.

Nasty Girls V2 (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:

50 alternating pistols

7 Muscle-Ups

10 Hang Power Cleans, 175# / 115#
Time Cap 18min

MRx: 115/65, Rx: 155/95, Rx+: 175/115

– Conditioning Category: Threshold. Athletes will move at their maximal sustainable pace throughout.

– Single Leg Squats: Alternate legs every rep. Reps should be completed in less than 3:00.

– Ring Muscle-Ups: Reps should be completed in 3 sets or less and in less than 2:00.

– Hang Power Cleans: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM hang power clean. Reps should be completed in less than 1:30.

– Score: Time it takes to complete the workout. If capped, add 1s for every missed rep.

– Athletes should settle into a steady pace on the pistols. These are a challenging movement for many athletes so being deliberate and making sure to hit every rep is key here and less important than speed.

– If you can go unbroken on the muscle-ups. This will be a big separator. If that’s not in the card, 1-2 quick breaks works great. Be sure to control the rings on the way down so that you won’t have to fumble around trying to hop back up.

– Again, if you can go unbroken on the hang cleans, this will be another separator. Aim to hold on but 2 sets works great here too.

Remember that right after the cleans is the single leg squats where we can recover a bit.



– Reduce Reps

– Reverse Lunges

– Single Leg Squats Off A Box

– Pole Assisted Single Leg Squats


– Reduce Reps

– Banded Strict RMU

– Jumping RMU

– Bar MU

– Ring Dips

– Burpee Chest To Ring

– 12 Chest To Bar


– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Dumbbells

Bar Muscle-ups (Bar Muscle-up Benchmark

Max Unbroken Bar Muscle-ups

– Athletes will need to keep their hands on the bar throughout.

– Athletes will need to remain locked out on top of the bar (no resting on the hips or stomach.

– If you max set is less than 5, use a band, complete a max set of chest to bar, or take 10 minutes to just purely practice.

– Score: Total reps completed.


– Banded BMU

– Chest To Bar

– Pull-Ups

– Feet Elevated Ring Rows