CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If you aim at nothing, don’t worry… we’ll hit it.”
A clear and defined goal seems like an obvious first step. It is however often missed.
It’s not that we don’t have any general goals or directions in mind… it’s that we tend to lack *crystal clear specificity*. We lack concrete intentions. And when we hit the chaotic storm that is life, we don’t have the foundation we need to stand on.
If we have to pause to think about what our goals are, we haven’t yet defined them to the extent we need. Something is missing. They need to come to mind in the blink of an eye, as if it’s a subconscious reaction.
Let it be specific, measurable, and actionable.
“I need to get better with money”, turns into “I will have $40 of each paycheck transferred to my retirement account.” “I want to get fitter”, turns into “I will eat 3 quality meals per day, 6 days per week, and go to the gym on Mon/Tue/Wed, Fri/Sat”. “I want to have better presentation skills”, turns into “I will take the improv class in my city every Monday for the next six weeks”.
Be intentional. Specificity is everything.
Deadlift (Deadlift
On the 3:00 x 4 Sets:
3 Reps @ 83%
*Percentage Based Off 1RM Deadlift
– These should be performed as touch and go reps.
– Athletes should stick to given percentage as we will build off this in the coming weeks.
– Score: 4 sets of 3 reps (the sets should all be the same weight at your 83%)
Warm Up
With An Empty Barbell…
10 Good Mornings
10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges
10 Stiff Legged Deadlifts
5 Reps @ Light Weight
3 Reps @ Moderate Weight
…Keep building (If needed) in sets of 1-2 rep to 83%
CrossFit Games Open 16.4 and 17.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
13-Minute AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
55 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-ups
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold. Athletes will move at their maximal sustainable pace while grinding through 55 reps of each of these movements.
– Deadlifts: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM deadlift. Reps should be completed in less than 3:00.
– Wallballs: Reps should be completed in less than 4:00.
– Row: Calories should be completed in 5:00 or less.
– HSPU: Reps should be completed in 3:00 or less. Reps can be kipping or strict.
– Score: Total reps completed in 13 minutes.
Ways to break up 55 reps…
2 Sets: 35-20
3 Sets: 25-15-15
4 Sets: 15-15-15-10
5 Sets: 13-12-11-10-9
6 Sets: 12-11-10-9-7-6
7 Sets: 10-8-8-8-7-7-7
8 Sets: 8-8-8-7-7-7-5-5
– Choose the most manageable break up strategy that calls for minimal rest between sets.
– Let’s keep focused on getting to the rower so we can recover a bit after the first half of the workout.
– The row will be a grind but if we can focus on a number pf calories we want to get each minute, it will make the row go by faster. A solid place to be is 15/12 calories a minute.
– The HSPU will also be a grind for most athletes. Find those manageable sets and see if you can get back to the barbell.
– Reduce Reps
– Reduce Loading
– Sub Dumbbells
– Reduce Reps
– Redice Loading
– Sub Single Dumbbell Thrusters
– Empty Barbell Thrusters
– Reduce Cals
– 55 Cal Bike Erg
– 40 Cal Assault or Echo Bike
– 40 Cal Ski
– 40 Cal Air Run
– 1,000m Run
– Reduce Reps
– Strict HSPU
– Use Riser(s)
– Pike Push-Ups
– Push-Ups