CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Squat Snatch (Squat Snatch

On the 2:30 x 6 Sets:
Set 1: 2 Reps @ 73%
Set 2: 2 Reps @ 78%
Set 3: 1 Rep @ 83%
Set 4: 2 Reps @ 73%
Set 5: 2 Reps @ 78%
Set 6: 1 Rep @ 83%

*All Percentages Based Off 1RM Squat Snatch

– For sets 1, 2, 4, &5 complete 2 squat snatches. Athletes do not need to hold onto the bar for both reps.

– For sets 3 &6, complete 1 squat snatch.

– Athletes should stick to given percentages even if they feel they could go heavier. We will build on this in the coming weeks.

– Score: Enter weight used for 1 Rep @ 83%

Warm Up

With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Rack Snatch Grip Strict Presses

5 Overhead Squats

5 Snatch Grip Stiff Legged Deadlifts

5 Muscle Snatches

5 Power Snatches

5 Squat Snatches

With A Light Weight:

3 Squat Snatches

With A Moderate Weight:

2 Squat Snatches

…Make more jumps if needed until you reach your starting weight.

CrossFit Games Open 16.3 (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 7 minutes

10 power snatches

3 bar muscle-ups

Men use 75 lb.

Women use 55 lb.
– Conditioning Category: Threshold. Athletes should move at their maximal sustainable pace throughout.

– Power Snatch: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM power snatch. Athletes should be able to cycle the bar for touch and go sets. Reps should take less than 1:00 each round.

– Bar Muscle-Ups: Athletes should be able to complete reps in under 1:00 each round.

– Score: Total rounds + reps.

– Our break up strategy on the barbell will be determined by what will allow us to stay moving on the bar muscle-ups without getting stuck.

– The barbell is light here but this workout comes down to who can manage their grip and shoulder fatigue early on. Breaking up the barbell into 2-3 sets might seem silly in the beginning but can pay off significantly in the later rounds.

– The strategy on the bar muscle-ups matters less as this is going to come down to capacity and how long your breaks are between reps and sets. Try to keep your breaks short but only hop up when you know you are going to make the rep.

Warm Up

At Workout Weight:

5 Power Snatches

5 Strict Pull-Ups

4 Power Snatches

4 Pull-Ups

3 Power Snatches

3 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

2 Power Snatches

2 Bar Muscle-Ups



– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Dumbbell(s)

– Kettlebell Swings


– Reduce Reps

– Banded BMU

– Jumping BMU

– Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

– Pull-Ups

– 5 Burpee To Target