CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“I was complaining I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.” – Confucius

A man walked into a shop to order some flowers. They were to be sent as a gift to his mother, living 200 miles away.

As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars.” The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers.

As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please! Could you take me to my mother?” She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.

The man returned to the flower shop, cancelled the gifting order, picked up a bouquet and drove the 200 miles to his mother’s house.

At times, we can take relationships with our family and friends for granted. Next time you want to ignore the phone call from your Dad, make an excuse as to why you can’t make it to your friend’s house to meet their newborn baby girl, or want to skip out on dinner with your buddies from college you barely get to see anymore, remember this story. You’re never too busy to make time to see the people who love you.

Squat Clean and Jerk (Hang Squat Clean & Jerk

On the 2:30 x 6 Sets:
Sets 1-2: 2 Reps @ 73%
Sets 3-4: 2 Reps @ 78%
Sets 5-6: 1 Rep @ 83%

*All Percentages Based Off 1RM Clean & Jerk

– For sets 1 & 2, complete 2 hang clean and jerks @ 73%. Athletes should hold onto the bar for both reps without dropping between.

– For sets 3 & 4, complete 2 hang clean and jerks @ 78%. Athletes should, again, hold onto the bar for both reps without dropping between.

– For sets 5 & 6, complete 1 hang clean and jerk @ 83%.

– Athletes should stick to their percentages here even if they feel they could go heavier. Let’s aim for great speed and technique here.

– Score: Mark complete. This is to incentivize sticking to percentages.

Warm Up

With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Strict Presses

5 Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Hang Squat Cleans

5 Push Jerks

5 Split Jerks

With A Light Weight:

2 Hang Squat Clean & Jerks

With A Moderate Weight:

1 Hang Squat Clean & Jerk

…Make more jumps if needed until you reach your starting weight.

Doce (3 Rounds for reps)


3 Rounds x AMRAP 4:

27/21 Calorie Row

21 Power Cleans

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds

Round 1: MRx:105/55, Rx:115/75, Rx+: 135/95

Round 2: MRx:95/45, Rx: 105/65, Rx+:115/85

Round 3:MRx: 75/35, Rx: 85/55, Rx+: 95/65
– Conditioning Category: Sprinty Threshold

– We last completed this workout on 11.18.2020

– Row: Completed in 1:00-2:00.

– Power Cleans: Completed in 1-2 minutes.

When choosing weights, consider the following set suggestions:

 1st Bar: 3-4 Sets

 2nd Bar: 2-3 Sets

 3rd Bar: 1-2 Sets

– Burpee Box Jump Overs: You can jump up or step-up out of the burpee. Burpee must face the box. Completed in about 1:00.

– 3 Scores: Rounds + Reps of each AMRAP

– Keeping the stroke rate low and power high on the row can help you get to the power cleans quickly and help prepare for touch-and-go sets.

– The power cleans get easier with each round as the weight decreases. Aim to work through larger sets with each drop in weight.

– Here are some options for getting to 21 reps:

 Heaviest Bar: 9-7-5, 7-7-7, 6-5-5-5

 Middle Bar: 12-9, 7-7-7

 Lightest Bar: 21, 12-9

– Let’s move at a strong pace on the burpee box jump overs. Even if the first couple calories on the rower are slower because of your pacing here, just getting strapped in and the handle moving is the goal.


With First Round Weight:

4 Calorie Row

4 Power Cleans

4 Burpee Box Jump Overs



– 21/15 Calorie Assault Bike, Echo Bike, Bike Erg, or Ski Erg

– 400 Meter Run


– Reduce Loading

– Double Dumbbell Power Cleans


– Barbell or Dumbbell Facing Burpees

– Burpee Box Step-Overs

Push Up/Pull Up Accessory (No Measure)

6 Min. AMRAP

Min 1: Push Ups
Min 2: Pull Ups

Keep alternating each minute. Work on form and quality of movements not speed. Record push up and pull up reps in your notes.