CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Only a man who knows what it’s like to be defeated, can reach down to the bottom of his soul with the extra ounce of power to win, when the match is even.” – Mohammed Ali
It’s commonplace to look at mistakes, miscues, and losses as negatives. And it’s even more common to view them as setbacks. Yet here, one of the greatest of time, offers the difference maker in an otherwise even fight between two opponents:
Through the experience of failure, the fighter becomes the victor. Not because of the pain of loss, or the embarrassment of defeat. But through viewing failure as a chance to start again, more equipped. More prepared. More experienced.
Thursday Fun Day (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
In a 25 min AMRAP do:
– 10 bench press
– 10 M&M’s
– 10 HRPU
– 10 KB swings 24/16 kg (Russian)
– 10 Cal Ski
MRx: 85/55, Rx: 105/75, Rx+: 125/95
Mobility (No Measure)
Child’s Pose
Wrist Stretches
Banded Hamstring Hip Opener
Happy Baby
Plow pose
Roll Outs – Calves, Glutes, Quads, Thoracic
Corpse Pose
-Hold each pose for 3-5 deep breaths