CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“When I write, I feel like an armless, legless man with a crayon in his mouth.” – Kurt Vonnegut
It can be easy to forget that even the greats are full of awkwardness and clumsiness. Yet the man quoted above is known to have changed the face of American literature.
But despite Vonnegut’s success, he didn’t start that way. It was full of fumbles, false starts, and embarrassing mistakes. Yet where others in his shoes stopped, he chose to keep going. Forcing himself to move forward. He kept taking one more step, even when the process did not seem rewarding.
Awkward and clumsy is not just OK… it’s part of the way.
Merry Go Rounds (Time)
Merry Go Rounds
4 Rounds For Time:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 V-Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
25 Sec. Hollow Body Hang
30 DU’s
KB-MRx: 35/25, Rx: 53/35
Singles 50
Work on full range of motion with these movements.
Use box or bands to sub pull ups
Hand Release Push Ups or Bar
Singles or Mountain Climbers for DU’s
Mobility (No Measure)
Child’s Pose
Wrist Stretches
Banded Hamstring Hip Opener
Happy Baby
Plow pose
Roll Outs – Calves, Glutes, Quads, Thoracic
Corpse Pose
-Hold each pose for 3-5 deep breaths