CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld had a daily practice, which was a promise to himself. To “never break the chain”.

Every day, Jerry promised himself that he would write a joke, every single day. The length, the topic, and even how funny it was came second to the fact – that it was completed. Some days the jokes were incredibly funny. Other days, hardly. Some jokes were long, some were barely a sentence. But he “never broke the chain”.

What Jerry was doing, was committing himself to make forward movement, every, single, day. Some days it was an inch, and some days it was a mile. And this seemingly simple practice, to place tangible action into every day, resulted in one of the greatest comedians of his time.

As Martin Luther expresses, it’s not about the magnitude of the progress. All that matters is that we’re moving forward.

Clean and Jerk (Power Clean + Push Jerk

5 Sets:
1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks   

All Sets Performed @ 75-80% of 1RM Clean & Jerk

Rest As Needed Between Sets. 

– Athletes should hold onto the bar for the entree complex before dropping.

– Rest as needed between sets.

– Score: Enter heaviest set.


– Perform 3-5 warmup sets to 75%

Pull-ups (Strict Pull-ups

Complete 1 Unbroken Set For Reps

– If your cannot complete 10+ reps unbroken yet, select a variation from the substitutions that allows you complete 10+ reps.

– Score: Total reps


Practice 2-3 reps.


– Use A Band or Box

– Ring Rows

– Empty Barbell Bent Over Rows

Razors Edge (Time)

“Razor’s Edge”

5 Rounds For Time:
9 Clean & Jerks
30 Double Unders
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Double Unders

Barbell: MRx: 75/45, Rx: 85/55, Rx+:  95/65
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Clean & Jerks: Loading should not exceed 50% of your 1RM clean and jerk. Reps should be able to be completed touch and go (1-2 sets) and take less than 1:00 to complete.

– Double Unders: Reps should be completed in less than 1:00.

– Chest To Bar: Reps should be able to be completed in 1-2 sets and take less than 1:00.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout.

– Let’s use the double unders as a place to recover in this workout. Try to keep the shoulders relaxed and control the breath.

– See if you can hold onto the bar for unbroken sets of clean and jerks. Your cycle time does not need to be fast. Pause overhead or in the front rack if needed to catch the breath.

– See if you can stick to 2 sets (or 1) on the pull-ups. Breaks on the pull-up bar can be much quicker than breaks on the barbell so let’s break here from the start if we are feeling unsure about the barbell.

– Focus on being intentional during your transitions. Our breaks can get long between stations so try to have some urgency between stations.


5 Clean & Jerks

10 Double Unders

5 Chest To Bar

10 Double Unders



– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Reps

– 1:00 Time Cap

– 45 Single Unders


– Reduce Reps

– Banded

– Strict

– Regular Pull-Ups

– Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows