CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Our patience will achieve more than our force.” – Edmund Burke

We are emotional beings. And we can only be rational, after we’ve been emotional.

When we see someone who is composed under adversity, it’s not that they aren’t an emotional person. Those feelings are there. What’s different (compared to the explosive nature of a “hot head”) is the closing of a certain gap. That of between an emotional reaction, and the subsequent replacement of rational thought.

Abraham Lincoln exercised this understanding through his “hot letters”. When he became fuming mad at someone, he forced himself to complete a task before taking his wrath directly to the individual. He wrote a letter to the offender, outlining all the wrongs and misdoings that have been committed. He held nothing back. Then, he would fold it up, place the letter in an envelope, place it in his desk drawer, and… never send it.

Think through the last time we lost our temper on someone. Was it worth it? Emotions will cool. And we can proceed in a more reasonable fashion that we won’t regret. We just need to acknowledge that gap, and work ourselves there through patience.

Handstand Push-ups

Strict Handstand Push-ups

Complete 1 Unbroken Set For Reps

Deadlift (Deadlift

3 Sets:
2 Reps @ 85-90%

*Rest As Needed Between Sets

– Reps should be performed “touch and go.”

– Score: Enter heaviest set.


10 Empty Barbell Deadlifts

2-3 Light Reps

2-3 Moderate Reps

Electric Triangle (6 Rounds for reps)

“Electric Triangle”

6 Rounds For Reps:
Minute 1: Max Calorie Row
Minute 2: Max Calorie Echo Bike
Minute 3: Max Shuttle Runs*
Minute 4: Rest

*1 Shuttle Run = 50ft
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Shuttle Runs: Both feet need to cross the line and one hand should make contact with the floor at each turn around.

– Score: Enter 6 rounds of total reps completed each round (bike cals + row cals + shuttle run reps). Your overall score will be the sum total of all reps.

Let’s try to do our best to set rep goals for each station that we know we can sustain throughout all 6 rounds. Once those goals are set, we can aim to stay within 5 reps of that total score.

For Example…

Row Goal = 12 Cals

Bike Goal = 10 Cals

Shuttle Run Goal = 15 Reps

Sum Total Goal = 27 Reps

…Goal for the workout would be to stay within 5 reps of 27 each round.

There is no predetermined transition time in this workout. This means it is up to you to decide when you’d like to transition. Let’s aim leave about 10-15 seconds of transition time between stations.


30s Row

30s Echo Bike

30s Shuttle Runs



– Max Cal Bike Erg

– Max Cal Assault Bike

– Max Cal Ski

– Max Burpees

– Max Box Jump Overs


– Max Cal Ski

– Max Burpees

– Max Box Jump Overs


– Max Meter Air Run

– Max Cal Air Run

– Max Box Jump Overs