CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

There are habits we can see, and habits we cannot.

There’s the physical side of habits which are easier to identify. Do we wake up at the same time every day? Do we show up to the gym consistently to train? Do we hold true to the nutrition plan we set out?

What’s more challenging is to look further inward. And seek out the invisible habits. To reflect on the way we think.

When we missed the lift, what were our immediate thoughts?

When we were cut off on the road by another car, how did we feel?

When the gossip arrived in the locker room, what were our first thoughts?

If our thoughts become actions, this must be where we start.

Ski Bumps (Calories)

Ski Bumps

30 Minute Ski

Every 5:00 minutes break for ski bumps!
– 20 Goblet Squats on the 5:00
– 25 Kettlebell Twists on the 10:00
– 30 American Kettlebell Swings on the 15:00
– 35 AbMat SitUps on the 20:00
– 40 Glute Bridges with kettlebell on the 25:00

Kettlebells- MRx: 35/25, Rx: 52/35

Score: Total Ski Calories
Start with ski erg. Break every 5:00 for accessory work.