CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

There’s something intoxicating about planning for the future. It’s the dream-world.

Yet when it’s time to cross the bridge, from planning to execution, many lose their way. And nothing materializes.

View “preparation” as two equal parts:

1. Thought

2. Action

Without the thought behind, it’s wasted energy in multiple directions.

Without action to follow thought, it’s nothing but a pipe dream.

There will be the voice that tells us, “there’s time to do this tomorrow”. But that brings us back to the quote we started with above. We’ll take the hard road.

October 21

“Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.” – Carls Von Karlswich

Are we trying to do too much?

We are an ambitious group. The growth mindset. The hunger mindset. It is rare for us to come up short on effort. But the emphasis of this quote is not on the back, but the front. “One great decisive aim”. What it hones in on, is the factor of choice.

To be able to stand in a room with a thousand doors, and be able to close 999 of them.

It can be ironically be far more challenging to *not* do something… than to do it.

Together let’s take a step back today, and boil things down the basics. What are we after?

Sometimes less can be more.

Banded Accessory Prep (No Measure)

2 Rounds
10 banded reverse fly
10 banded squatting victory
10 90-90 banded raises
10 banded lat row

Back Squat (Back Squat

5 Sets:
3 Reps @ 70-75%  

– Regular back squats today! No pauses or tempos. Bar taken from a rack.

– Rest as needed between sets.

– Score: Enter heaviest set.


10 Empty Barbell Back Squats

2-3 Light Reps

2-3 Moderate Reps

Compounding Interest (Time)

“Compounding Interest”

5 Rounds:
30 Double Unders
10 Overhead Squats

Directly Into..

1 Round:
30 Overhead Squats
100 Double Unders

MRx: 75/45, Rx: 85/55, Rx+: 95/65

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Double Unders: The sets of 20 double unders should take less than 1:00. The set of 100 double unders should take less than 2:00.

Overhead Squats: The weight on the barbell should not exceed 50% of your 1RM overhead squat. The barbell should come from the floor in this workout. 

– Score: Time

– In the first portion of the workout, we want to move quickly on the barbell and breathe on the jump rope.

– While we want to move quickly on the barbell, we want to be sure that we are achieving full depth each rep as well as standing up fully each rep. Aim for unbroken sets here.

– In the second portion, we can aim to complete the overhead squats in 1-3 sets. Same for the double unders.

– If we hold on for 1 or 2 big sets on the barbell in the second portion, we can expect the arms to feel fatigued going into the double unders. If we tend to struggle with double unders, we should plan to break at least once on the barbell to give the arms some relief.

2 Rounds:
10 Double Unders
5 Overhead Squats

– Reduce Reps
– 1.5x Single Unders

– Reduce Reps/Loading
– Front Squats
– Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats