CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If failure is not an option, neither is success.”
We fear the one who is willing to lose it all. The one who is willing to play full out with no reserves. The one who swings for the fences.
That’s a dangerous person. Dangerous enough… to accomplish something great.
We all have a comfort zone. A status quo. It’s warm, cozy, and familiar. But it’s a box, with a ceiling and walls that we can see and touch. It’s a world that cannot grow further than what it’s already grown to.
If we want to grow, we have to climb out of that world into the unknown. To face that chance that we may fall flat on our face, because we’re walking in new ground. Yet, as much as a “swing and a miss” may sting a bit, there’s something far worse. Worse than any of that is the pain of knowing that we didn’t try.
Life is so short.
There’s no time to bunt.
Let’s swing for the fences.
Squat Clean and Jerk (Weight)
Squat Clean & Jerk
5 Sets:
3 Squat Cleans
1 Push Jerk
Performed @ 70-75%
– Squat clean reps should be performed as singles where athletes rest no more than 20 seconds between reps. After the last clean, athletes will hold onto the bar and complete their push jerk.
– Rest as needed between sets.
– Score: Enter heaviest set.
Perform 3-5 warmup sets of clean and jerks. 1 squat clean + 1 push jerk while warming up to first working set works great.
The Rest Is History (Time)
“The Rest Is History”
3 Rounds For Time (20 Minute Cap):
30 Bar-Facing Burpees
20 Hang Power Cleans
100 Double Unders
*Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
Barbell-MRX: 105/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95
– Conditioning Category: High Threshold
– Bar-Facing Burpees: Reps should be completed in 2:00 or less.
– Hang Power Cleans: Reps should be completed in 1:30 or less.
– Double Unders: Reps should be completed in 2:00 or less.
– Score: Total time including rest.
– One minute of rest between rounds does not give us a ton of time to recover. With that being said, we should aim to be only slightly more aggressive with our pacing than usual.
– Find a steady pace on the burpees. 30 burpees is not a small number so let’s settle into a pace that keeps you moving at the same rate throughout each round.
– Let’s aim for 1-3 sets on the hang power cleans. If you know that the double unders that follow will be a challenge for you, let’s definitely take a break or 2 on the cleans to set ourselves up for success on the dubs.
– Take the double unders 25 reps at a time. Check in with yourself every 25 reps. If you feel you can keep going, hold on for another 25 reps. If you feel your heart rate getting too high, take a quick break and a big deep breath before getting back to work.
– Be sure to note your time after each round so you know when to start your next round.
5 Bar-Facing Burpees
4 Hang Power Cleans
10 Double Unders
– Reduce Reps
– Burpee To Target
– Regular Burpees
– Reduce Reps
– Reduce Loading
– Sub Dumbbells
– Reduce Reps
– 2:00 of Practice
– 150 Single Unders