CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“You can’t build on top of success you don’t acknowledge.” – Dallas Travers

There’s a dark side to being so driven.
We can be so focused on constantly improving that we can forget to look back. And acknowledge where we came from. I bet we can all relate to a time where we landed a PR lift, or a raise at work… where we *were* psyched, but only for mere seconds. Before we know it, we’re already thinking, “what’s next?” The finish line always moves.

It’s not wrong to be passionately driven.
That’s not where the harm comes from.
The harm comes when we don’t celebrate our victories.

We aim to live in a state of true “blissful disassifaction”. Grateful for every experience that comes our way, all the while in a fiery pursuit of the next best version of ourselves. Think of it less as a “pat on the back”, and more of a foundation that we build on. to build upon. As the quote above teaches us, we can’t build on top of success we don’t acknowledge.

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Snatch Complex (Weight)

Snatch Complex

Build to Moderate Complex:

1 Snatch Grip Push Jerk

1 Power Snatch

1 Hang Squat Snatch
– Take the bar out of the rack and walk it back far enough to have a safe amount of space for the snatches.

– Snatch grip push jerk should begin with the bar in the back rack.

– Complete the full complex unbroken.

– Speed and quality are more important than loading here.

– Score: Heaviest lift.


Barbell Warmup:

With An Empty Barbell:

2 Full Complexes

Reptar (3 Rounds for reps)


3 Rounds For Reps:

3 Minute Max Calorie Row

2 Minute Max Toes to Bar

1 Minute Max Power Snatches

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds.

MRX: 95/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold

– Power Snatches: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM power snatch.

– Score: Total reps completed each round.

– Have a goal number of calories you’d like to row each minute of the 3 minute effort. For example, if your goal is to row 12 cals per minute, your calorie goal on the row would be 36. Choose a number that is sustainable across the 3 rounds.

– Similar to the rower, have a goal number of toes to bar reps you’d like to complete each minute. Quick small sets can help manage fatigue for the power snatches.

– The power snatch reps will likely be single reps and the number of reps will depend on how you are feeling. Try to be intentional with rest between reps. Typically 3-5 seconds between reps is a good place to be.

– Hop off the row and the pull-up bar with about 10s left to allow for time to transition and chalk.


:30 Row

:20s Toes To Bar

:10s Power Snatches



– Calories On Any Machine

– Burpees

– Box Jumps (No Rebounding)


– Toes To As High As Possible

– Knees To Chest

– V-Ups

– Sit-Ups


– Reduce Loading

– Sub Single Dumbbell

Handstand Walk Practice (No Measure)

Handstand Walk

5 Attempts:

Max Distance Unbroken Handstand Walk

Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Attempts.
– Kick up 5 times and get as far as you can. Have coach help with PVC pipe guard. Rest 1-2 minutes between attempts.

– Focus on longer steps instead of short, choppy steps. Watch the video above to see top athletes doing the Handstand Walk Sprint event at the 2020 Games.

– Score: No measure. Score work in notes.



– Max Wall Walks In 1:00 x 5

– Max HS Shoulder Taps in 1:00 x 5

– Max Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry x 5