CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Perfection can be spelled with the word paralysis.” – Churchill

The act of “starting” is all too often the most challenging.

As human beings, our survival mechanism kicks in when we approach change. It sounds the alarm, telling us we are in dangerous waters. We may find ourselves forecasting to the future, vividly conceptualizing the hardships, obstacles, and all the tough unknowns that path may bring.

This defense mechanism is amazing for avoiding predators. It can save our lives! But on the other hand… It can also prevent it.

Breathe into those thoughts that run through our mind when we approach change. Recognize them. Accept them for what they are. And then put them where they belong, because it’s time to get to work.

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Back Squats x 2 (5 Rounds for weight)

Back Squat

For Total Load:

5 Sets of 2
– The idea here is to complete heavier loads across all sets.

– Score: Enter all 5 sets. Overall score will be the sum total load.


With An Empty Bar:

10 Back Squats

Loading Up:

Build in sets of 2-3 reps until you are ready to hit your first working set of 3.

Time After Time (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Time After Time”

On the 2:00 x 10 Rounds:

500/400 Meter Bike Erg

Max Rounds of “Cindy”


5 Pull-Ups

10 Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

*Pick Up Where You Left Off Each Round
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Bike: Completed in less than 1:15 each round.

– Pull-Ups: Completed in 1-2 sets each round and in less than 15 seconds. Can be strict or kipping.

– Push-Ups: Completed in 1-3 sets each round and in less than 30 seconds.

– Air Squats: Completed in less than 30 seconds.

– Score: Total rounds + reps.

– With our score being rounds + reps of “Cindy” let’s make our first priority to push the body weight movements.

– Your bike pace should be based off of what will allow you to stay moving on the rounds of “Cindy.”

– Focus on quick transitions.

– Leave at least 5 seconds to transition back to the bike each round.


200m Bike

3 Pull-Ups

6 Push-Ups

9 Air Squats



– 250m/200m Row

– 200m/150m Ski

– 200m Run

– 150m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– Banded

– Strict

– Ring Rows

– Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows


– Reduce Reps

– Elevate Hands


– Reduce Reps