CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Adversity causes some to break. For others, it breaks records.”

Adversity can really, really hurt. Let’s not create an illusion that it’s all sunshine and rainbows. It will try our values, test our patience, and challenge who we are as human beings. It’s no warm cup of cocoa on a winter morning.

But a warm cup of cocoa doesn’t make us better. A picture perfect day doesn’t make us better. We learn when we make mistakes. When we miss, trip up, face plant, and get caught off guard. At our very basic biological level, this is how we adapt. It’s encoded in us… and it’s seriously like a secret sleeping super power.

That is, of course, if we use them to our advantage. The nature of a mistake is not to tell us we suck. That we failed. That we’re not good enough. The nature of a mistake is to educate us. To give us the ammunition we need to become better. To take the challenge to earn greatness, out of something that once was not.

Adversity is not in the way to greatness.
Adversity is the way to greatness.
This is the championship mindset.

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Rope Climb Conditioning (Time)


10 Rounds For Time:

100 Meter Ski Erg

1 Rope Climb

10 min cap
Short grind to test our strength while doing faster sprints of cardio.

Score: Time. If capped, add 1 second for every rep not completed.


100m Ski:

-200m Row

Rope Climb:

-Climb half the rope

-Seated Rope pull up to standing

“Angry Annie” (Time)

“Angry Annie”


Double Unders

100-ft. Double Dumbbell Farmers Carry

AbMat Sit-ups

100-ft. Double Dumbbell Farmers Carry

Calorie Row**

100-ft. Double Dumbbell Farmers Carry

*Dumbbells: MRx: 30/15, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35

**Women’s Calories: 35-28-21-14-7
– Conditioning Category: Pacer

– Double Unders: Athletes should be able to string together 30+ double unders unbroken when fresh to complete reps as Rx.

– Farmers Carry: The 100ft. carry should take less than 1:00.

– AbMat Sit-Ups: The total of 150 sit-ups should take less than 6:00 over the course of the entire workout.

– Row: The women’s calories are listed below the workout. The total 150/105 calorie row should take less than 10:00 over the course of the entire workout.

– Score: Total time. There is no time cap on this workout.

– Try to hold on for unbroken sets of double unders. Keep the shoulders relaxed and your jumps low.

– Aim for unbroken farmers carry efforts as well.

– Find a steady pace on the sit-ups where you will never need to stop or slow down.

– Guys can aim to row above 1000 cals/hour. Ladies can aim to row above 800 cals/hour.


10 Double Unders

20ft. Farmers Carry

10 Sit-Ups

20ft. Farmers Carry

10 Cal Row

20ft. Farmers Carry



– Reduce Reps

– 75-60-45-30-15 Single Unders

– 50s-40s-30s-20s-10s Machine Effort


– Reduce Reps


– Reduce Distance

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Kettlebells


– Sub C2 Bike (Same Cals)

– Sub Ski Erg/Assualt or Echo Bike/Air Run (35/25-28/20-21/15-14/10-7/5)

– Sub 10m Shuttle Runs (50-40-30-20-10)