CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Reasons > Goals”
Let’s imagine Jane is overweight, and is set on a new goal. To lose 30 pounds this year. Despite being a good, measurable, does it really mean anything to her? Does it get her out of bed in the morning? We can all agree, there’s something missing. As good as a goal is, in order for it to truly do anything for us, there must be a specific, defined, and real reason behind it.
Let’s now imagine Jane wants to lose 30 pounds, but not for herself. It’s for her two teenage daughters. Jane’s entire family has historically battled with obesity. One might say “it’s hereditary”… and that Jane and her kids are destined to be that way.
Except, Jane has decided to have none of that bullshit. By losing the weight, she’s going to prove to her daughters that they can be whoever they want to be as long as they put in the work. Given her family’s poor track record with health, no relative of hers has lived past 85. Jane plans to lead the way in changing that, and wants to see her daughters, and her daughters’ daughters, grow to be fit and healthy.
Goals don’t get us out of bed in the morning. Reasons do. What’s yours?
Split Jerk
Split Jerk
Build to Heavy Single
– Barbell can be taken from a rack or blocks.
– This will be retested later in this cycle.
– Score: Heaviest Split Jerk
Movement Focus
Barbell Warmup:
With An Empty Barbell:
3 Strict Presses
3 Push Presses
3 Split Jerks
Loading Up:
1-2 x 40%
1-2 x 50%
1-2 x 60%
1-2 x 70%
1 x 80%
…Keep building with small jumps to your heavy single for the day.
“Less Is More” (Time)
“Less is More”
10 Rounds For Time [20 Minute Cap]:
500 Meter Bike Erg
30ft. Dumbbell Walking Lunge
10-1 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
*Dumbbells: Mrx: 30/15, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35
*Score: Time (Add 1s For Every Missed Rep If Capped)
*100m = 1 Rep
– Conditioning Category: Threshold
– Bike: Completed in under 1:15.
– Dumbbell Lunge: Performed with 2 dumbbells in the hang position. Completed in under 1 minute.
– Dumbbell Shoulder To Overhead: Reps decrease each round. Round 1 is 10 reps, round 2 is 9 reps, and so on. Perform with 2 dumbbells. Completed in under 30 seconds.
– Hard effort on the bike that can be maintained each round. For most athletes, this is right around a 2:00/1000m pace.
– Aim for unbroken lunge efforts. Make quick work of these.
– Push presses are typically the easiest (positionally) for most athletes. These are also the fastest variation (in comparison to push jerks). See if you can get each round of shoulders to overhead unbroken. Use the legs as much as you can when the arms get tired.
200m Bike
10 Light Dumbbell Lunge Steps
5 Light Dumbbell Shoulder To Overhead
100m Bike
6 Workout Dumbbell Lunge Steps
3 Workout Dumbbell Shoulder To Overhead
– Reduce Distance
– 250m Row
– 200m Ski
– 200m Run
– 150m Air Run
– Reduce Loading
– 10 Reverse Lunges
– Reduce Loading