CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has already taken place”. – George Bernard Shaw

Have you ever believed that you were on the same page with someone, but, as it turned out, not even close?

Sometimes we can be so sure that we have communicated everything properly, that we don’t even consider it to be a possibility.

Happens all the time, and definitely to all of us. What’s interesting, is that it’s never about effort, or the lack thereof. It’s about perspective.

What we actually don’t want to do, is “communicate” more. Part of it might actually need less.

What we may need, is to understand more. To place ourselves in their shoes. If I were them, what questions would I have? If I were them, how would I feel about this?

The illusion that Shaw refers to in the quote is the entrapment of our perspective.
Detach and think… if roles were reversed, is this clear?

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Overhead Squat

Overhead Squat

Build to Heavy Single


1 Set of Max Reps @ 80% Heavy Single

– On 4.13.22 we built to a heavy set of 3 (score linked).

– To view your scoring history, click on the clock icon next to the score bar.

– We can use our heavy 3 as a reference point for our heavy single.

– All sets should come from a rack.

– Rest as needed between attempts.

– Enter your heavy single. Record your max set reps in your notes.


– Hit at least 5 warmup sets of 1-2 reps before making first attempt at heavy single.


– Sub 5 x 1 Overhead Squat (w/ PVC or Empty Barbell)

– Sub Single Dumbbell

“Sunny and 75” (Time)

“Sunny and 75”

For Time:

75 Overhead Squats

MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65, Rx+: 115/85

Every 3 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:

400 Meter Run
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold

– Overhead Squats: Loading should not exceed 50% of your 1RM snatch.

– Run: Completed in less than 2:15 per round.

– Score: Time

– Let’s decide on a goal number of reps to complete each round. A good range to shoot for is somewhere between 10-15 reps.

– While we want to have enough time to chip away at overhead squats each minute, we need to be smart about our run pacing so that we have enough energy for big squat sets.

– Make your transitions as smooth as possible so that there is no time wasted where you are not working.


2 Rounds:

100m Run

5 Overhead Squats



– Reduce Loading/Reps

– Sub Single Dumbbell


– 500m Row

– 400m Ski

– 1.0 km Bike