CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at one time. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is re-known for his incredible work ethic.
In this quote he speaks to the dedication to the process.

Whether our goals are in the gym, at work, or at home, this central theme rings true:
That we don’t commit to the achievement. We commit to giving our absolute very to the journey. We give the process our very best. And wherever the cards fall, they fall.

Let’s join him. We will accept the trials, the tribulations, and the failures as they come.
But what we can’t accept, is never trying.

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Build to Heavy Single


1 Set of Max Reps @ 80% Heavy Single

– On 4.11.22 we built to a heavy set of 3. Click on the clock icon linked to the score bar to view your history.

– We can use our heavy 3 as a reference point for our heavy single.

– Rest as needed between attempts.

– Enter your heavy single. Record your max set reps in your notes.


– Hit at least 5 warmup sets of 1-2 reps before making first attempt at heavy single.


– Sub Dumbbells

“Built DifferenT” (Time)

“Built DifferenT”

For Time:

30 Pull-ups

3 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT”

20 Pull-ups

2 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT”

10 Pull-ups

1 Rounds of Dumbbell “DT”

Dumbbells: MRx: 30/20, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35

1 Round of Dumbbell “DT”:

12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans

6 Push Jerks
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold

– Pull-Ups: Athletes should be able to complete sets of 5 or more to complete reps as prescribed.

– Dumbbell “DT”: Athletes should be able to complete a full round of “DT” unbroken when choosing loading. These round should be performed with 2 dumbbells.

– Score: Time

– This workout is going to get grippy. Let’s break the pull-ups right from the start. Aim for 2-6 sets depending on your capacity and your confidence in maintaining your pull-up sets in the later rounds.

– We can approach the “DT” rounds in a few ways:

   – Complete full round unbroken.

   – 11-1 on the DL, 8-1 on the HPC, and 6 PJ unbroken

   – 11-1 on the DL, 5-3-1 on the HPC, and 6 PJ Unbroken

– Choose the “DT” strategy that will be the most sustainable throughout as well as a strategy that will allow you to stick to your pull-up plan.


5 Pull-Ups

6 Dumbbell Deadlifts

5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans

4 Dumbbell Push Jerks



– Reduce Reps

– 15-10-5 Strict

– Banded

– Ring Rows

– Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows


– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Barbell