CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“It takes as much energy to wish, as it does to plan.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
The term “wishful thinking” is a bit of a broken statement. It’s the creation of an elaborate vision, a goal or something we want to reach… but without a plan.
What Eleanor Roosevelt suggests in her quote is to stop day-dreaming, and bring those goals into reality through action steps. And if we can do that, we quickly remind ourselves that we are literally problem-solving-machines. Things kick into gear, and we surprise ourselves. We’ll say things like, “well, that wasn’t so bad” or “that was actually easier than I thought!”
Ever have a hard time starting to clean the house? The trick everyone knows… is to just start.
To take that actual first step, and create momentum.
Let’s reinforce this in our minds:
We weren’t made to wish.
We were made to act.
Back Squat
Back Squat
Build to Heavy Set of 3
1×3 @ 90% of Heavy 3
1×3 @ 80% of Heavy 3
– On 3.30.22 we built to a heavy set of 5.
– Click on the clock icon on the score bar to access your score logged for your heavy 5.
– We can use our heavy 5 as a reference point for our heavy 3.
– All sets will come from a rack.
– Rest as needed between attempts and drop sets.
– Enter your heavy set of 3 and drop set weights.
– Hit at least 3 warmup sets of 1-2 reps before making first attempt at heavy 3.
– Sub Dumbbell Front Squats
“Tarzan” (Time)
For Time:
800 Meter Run
20 Thrusters
10 Rope Climbs
BB-MRx: 95/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold
– Run: Performed in less than 5:00.
– Thrusters: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM thruster. Performed in less than 3:00.
– Ropes: Performed in less than 6:00.
– Score: Time.
– We want a solid effort on there run but it should not be at the expense of our ability to pick up the bar as soon as we get in the door.
– Think about slowing down your pace for the last 100m stretch of your run so you can prepare for the bar.
– Aim for no more than 4 sets on the thrusters. Pick a strategy that allows for quick breaks when/if needed.
– Aim to complete 2 or more ropes per minute. Focus on trying to take as little pulls as possible to get to the top of the rope.
200m Run
4 Thrusters
1 Rope Climb
– Reduce Distance
– 1000m Row
– 800m Ski
– 2000m Bike
– 600m Air Run
– Reduce Loading/Reps
– Double Dumbbell Thrusters
– Reduce Reps/Height
– 3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Knees To Chest = 1 Rope
– 4 Alternating Double Dumbbell Rows = 1 Rope