CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“What looks like talent is often careful preparation. What looks like skill is often persistent revision.” – James Clear

Nothing happens on the competition floor by accident. We are a result of the work we’ve completed leading up to that point. There is no pixy dust, magical words, or secret tricks.

When we look at the work behind the closed doors, we start to see what talent really is.

Hard, committed, unwavering effort.
Never fooled by those that “make it look easy”, as easy doesn’t happen by accident.

To some, that thought can be dis-encouraging. Not the case for us. For this team, it’s the opposite… It’s invigorating. It’s proof that we too can reach those heights… if we, that is, put in the work.

So let’s get to it.

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Bench Press

Bench Press

4 Sets:

Bench Press

All Sets Based on 1RM Bench Press

Set 1: 8 @ 75%

Set 2: 6 @ 80%

Set 3: 4 @ 85%

Set 4: 2 @ 90%

– We’ll build every set as we reduce reps.

– Weights should allow for unbroken sets.

– Score: Enter weights for 2 reps at 90%


2-3 warm-up sets to 75%

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Buy In: 2000m Row

Then Complete AMRAP of:

5 Bench Press

10 Wall Ball Toss

15 Russian “Ukranian” KB Swings

BB-MRx: 95/65, Rx: 115/80, Rx+: 135/95

WB-MRx: 14/10, Rx: 20/14

KB-MRx: 35/25, Rx: 52/35
Steady pace on the row looking to complete in 7-10 min. Uses remaining time to accumulate reps.