CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Saturday Morning Tue-up (Time)

With a 40 minute time cap do the following:

Rd 1:- row 50m; bench 2 reps; skull crushers 2 reps

Rd 2:- row 100m; bench 4 reps; skull crushers 4 reps

Rd 3:- row 150m; bench 6 reps; skull crushers 6 reps

Rd 4:- row 200m; bench 8 reps; skull crushers 8 reps

Rd 5:- row 250m; bench 10 reps; skull crushers 10 reps

Rd 6:- row 300m; bench 12 reps; skull crushers 12 reps

Rd 7:- row 350m; bench 14 reps; skull crushers 14 reps

Rd 8:- row 400m; bench 16 reps; skull crushers 16 reps

Rd 9:- row 450m; bench 18 reps; skull crushers 18 reps

Rd 10:- row 500m; bench 20 reps; skull crushers 20 reps

CASH OUT: 80 flutter kicks
– This is 10 rds for time, if you don’t complete in the time cap, your score will be 40:00 minutes and your total reps will be entered into the comment box.

– Rx = you pick the weights, weights will be entered into the comment box

– Rx+ = bench: 135/85; skull crushers: 55/45