CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Alone we can do so little.
Together we can do so much!

A fun partner wod for today….
Mikes “special wod” he was planning will have to wait till further notice due to injury! Don’t worry, this give him more time to perfect and “mad scientist” it!

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Partner bowling rowing – increasing the stakes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 frames (each partner) with a 45 minute time cap

– one partner attempts to hit exactly 100m first frame, 200m the second, finishing with 1000m

While the other partner does as many as possible of V-ups; Russian twists 24/16; push ups; or squats.

– your score is the number of V-ups, Ru twists, push ups or squats you do as a team.

– any distance above or below prescribed meter mark is deducted from your total reps.