CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld had a daily practice, which was a promise to himself. To “never break the chain”.
Every day, Jerry promised himself that he would write a joke, every single day. The length, the topic, and even how funny it was came second to the fact – that it was completed. Some days the jokes were incredibly funny. Other days, hardly. Some jokes were long, some were barely a sentence. But he “never broke the chain”.
What Jerry was doing, was committing himself to make forward movement, every, single, day. Some days it was inch, and some days it was a mile. And this seemingly simple practice, to place tangible action into every day, resulted in one of the greatest comedians of his time.
As Martin Luther expresses, it’s not about the magnitude of the progress. All that matters, is that we’re moving forward.
Kipping handstand push ups (AMRAP – Reps)
500 Meter Row
Max Unbroken Kipping Handstand Push-ups
*No Pauses Or Resting At Top or Bottom
500m Row
Max Unbroken Set Of Kipping HSPU
500m Row
Max Unbroken Set Of Kipping HSPU
…Continue Until The 20 Minutes Is Complete
INTENTION: Accumulate as many kipping handstand push-ups as possible in the 20 minute window. Row at whatever pace will allow you to maximize your handstand push-up sets.
NOTE: Athlete’s should choose a variation that allows for at least 5 reps between each row. See substitutions if modifications are needed.
SCORE: Total HSPU reps.
Practice a few HSPU reps
500M ROW
– 400m Ski
– 1000m Bike
– 400m Run
– 400m Air Run
– Use 5″ Riser
– Use AbMat
– Sub Strict HSPU
– Sub Push-Ups
– Sub Double Dumbbell Push Presses
“Bouncer” (Time)
For Time [20 Minute Time Cap]:
100 Double Unders
2,000 Meter Bike Erg
300-ft. Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge
2,000 Meter Bike Erg
100 Double Unders
Dumbbbell: MRx: 30/15, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50 / 35 lb
DOUBLE UNDERS: Less than 2:00 per 100 reps.
BIKE: Less than 5:00.
LUNGES: Less than 6:00. We do this with “Open standards.” Setup 5-ft. markers in a 25-ft. grid. Both feet will need to begin behind any line and fully cross any line that follows. Every 5-ft. is 1 rep. You may switch arms in the air or on the floor after any fully completed section. Try to avoid stepping between lunges.
SCORE: Time. If capped, add 1 second for every missed rep.
– Relax the shoulders and breathe on the double unders. Low jumps will save the legs for the bike.
– Get more of your bodyweight into the pedals by placing your hands on the lower handle bars for the majority of the bike. Set the damper to as high as possbile while maintaining 75+ RPMs.
– Switch arms on the lunges if you feel one shoulder starting to fatigue. You must always alternate legs but you do not have to switch arms. If you have a stronger side, perform most of the work on that one side.
– Focus on fast transitions.
20 Double Unders
200 Meter Bike Erg
20-ft. Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges
– Reduce Reps
– 250 Single Unders
– 2:00 of Practice
– 100 Line Hops
– Reduce Distance
– 1,000m Row
– 800m Ski
– 800m Run
– 600m Air Run
– Reduce Distance
– Reduce/Remove Load
– 100 Single DB OH Step-Back Lunges