CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Our patience will achieve more than our force.” – Edmund Burke

We are emotional beings. And we can only be rational, after we’ve been emotional.

When we see someone who is composed under adversity, it’s not that they aren’t an emotional person. Those feelings are there. What’s different (compared to the explosive nature of a “hot head”) is the closing of a certain gap. That of between an emotional reaction, and the subsequent replacement of rational thought.

Abraham Lincoln exercised this understanding through his “hot letters”. When he became fuming mad at someone, he forced himself to complete a task before taking his wrath directly to the individual. He wrote a letter to the offender, outlining all the wrongs and misdoings that have been committed. He held nothing back. Then, he would fold it up, place the letter in an envelope, place it in his desk drawer, and… never send it.

Think through the last time we lost our temper on someone. Was it worth it? Emotions will cool. And we can proceed in a more reasonable fashion that we won’t regret. We just need to acknowledge that gap, and work ourselves there through patience.

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Back Squats

[All Percentages Based Off 1RM Back Squat]

1 Set of 3 @ 60%

1 Set of 3 @ 68%

2 Sets of 8 @ 73%

1 Set of 8+ @ 68%

Rest 1-2 Minutes Between All Sets.
STANDARDS: Hips travel below the knees in the bottom of the squat. Hips open fully at the top of each rep. All reps taken from a rack.

SCORE: Enter max reps at 68%.

2-3 warmup sets to 40%

“Marston” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


1 Deadlift

10 Toes to Bar

15 Bar-Facing Burpees

MRx 135/105 Rx: 245/185 Rx+: 405/285

DEADLIFT: Less than 30s. Weight should be heavy but should not exceed 85% of your 1RM deadlift.

TOES TO BAR: Less than 1:00.

BAR-FACING BURPEES: Less than 1:30.

SCORE: Rounds + Reps. This is a benchmark workout that was last completed on 1.10.2020.

– Focus on a solid setup position for each deadlift. Brace the midline and use the legs a lot.

– 1-2 sets on the toes to bar. Spend as little time resting as possible before each set.

– Find a steady pace on the burpees. The goal is just to stay moving.

– Aim for consistency each round. A round every 1:30, 2, 2:30, or 3 minutes seems to be where most athletes settle into.


1 Deadlift

3 Toes To Bar

5 Bar-Facing Burpees



– Reduce Load

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Reps

– Knee To Chest

– V-Ups

– 15 Sit-Ups


– Reduce Reps

– Regular Burpees