CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Think like an immigrant. Act like an artisan.”
To “think like an immigrant” is to have a mindset where nothing is owed. There’s no legacy spot awaiting me. I’m not owed a job, a title bump, or a promotion. That no matter who or what I was yesterday, I’m brand new today. So I better plan to work harder than I ever have before to achieve my goals.
To “act like an artisan”, is to live a life of passion. In the middle-ages, before mass production, every pair of shoes, every saddle, tool and utensil were made by hand. All one-off productions. By a creator, called an artisan. Artisans took great pride in their work, and would carve their initials into each piece they created.
Regardless of what we’ve accomplished, nothing is owed to us. Yesterday is gone… and we’ll earn today. And in everything we do, let’s take so much care that we could proudly etch our name into the side of our work for the world to see. We are humble, we are hungry, and we are the hardest damn workers in the room.
The Other Total (3 Rounds for weight)
For Max Load:
Power Clean
Bench Press
Overhead Squat
[10 Minute Time Cap For Each Lift]
INTENTION: Athletes will get 10 minutes for each lift. This will be a 30 minute running clock so be intentional when transitioning from lift to lift. You do not have to use the entire 10 minute for each lift, transition whenever you are ready. The bar should begin empty at the start of the workout.
POWER CLEAN: From the floor. Must be caught above parallel.
BENCH PRESS: From a rack. Barbell must touch the torso in the bottom and elbows should lockout at the top.
OVERHEAD SQUAT: From a rack. Hips should travel below the knees in the bottom and fully open up at the top. Athletes can push press, push jerk, or split jerk from the back rack to get the bar overhead.
SCORE: Enter weights for each lift. The sum total will be the overall score. This is a benchmark workout that we will repeat around this time next year.
– Make your bigger jumps at the start, and your smaller jumps as you get closer to your heavy. If you miss a lift, either try again or go down a little in weight and try again.
– Have an idea as to where you want to end up and plan your jumps accordingly.
– Transition quickly from movement to movement in order to maximize your time for each lift.
– Hang Power Clean
– Sub Dumbbells
– Sub Dumbbells
– Front Squat
– Back Squat
– Sub A Single Dumbbell
Significant Other (Time)
For Time:
20 Power Cleans
20 Bench Press
20 Overhead Squats
Performed @ 65% Of “Other Total” Numbers
INTENTION: Using 65% of the weights you lifted in “The Other Total,” you’ll complete 20 reps of each movement for time. You can use 2 barbells if you’d like…1 for the power cleans and overhead squats and 1 for the bench press. Athletes will be responsible for changing out their own weights if needed during the workout.
OVERHEAD SQUATS: These will be taken from the floor.
SCORE: Total Time.
– Hang Power Clean
– Sub Dumbbells
– Sub Dumbbells
– Front Squat
– Back Squat
– Sub A Single Dumbbell