CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Chronic knee pain dominates and keeps many from their full potential, either mentally, physically or both. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Tibialis Raises:
– safe footing
– butt against the wall, feet a comfortable distance out, legs straight
– without bending knees, flex toes up and hold for 2 seconds then lowering toes back down, pause down for 2 seconds
– standing closer makes this movement easier, farther away, harder
– if 25 unbroken is too hard, break into smaller groups, but 25 unbroken is the goal.

The FHL:
– as soon as you finish TR’s turn around, put hands against the wall and back feet away until your ankles are under enough stretch that your heels come off the floor.
– without bending knees or hips, raise up until your weight is on your big toes
– standing closer to wall or using assistance makes it easier
– to make it harder, perform one leg at a time by wrapping one leg over the other, this stretches the ankle even more

The KOT:
– stand about arm’s length from the wall
– gradually reach your knees over your toes (comfortable level, no pain) should be far enough that heels come off the ground slightly
– point your knees towards the 4th and 5th toes
– don’t criticize your current level, be patient!
– from the pain free location of knee bend, simply raise your heels up while keeping your knees over your toes
– to make it harder, perform one leg at a time by wrapping one leg over the other, this stretches the ankle even more

The Patrick Step:
– start with balance or assistance (wall, rig, PVC)
– reach the inside foot forward and slowly lower the heel to the floor, pause so you don’t bounce
– you are in control of how much you work your knee over your toes by how far you reach the inside heel
– the further you reach the more your knee has to bend
– end goal is to actually go until your ankle can’t bend anymore without letting your inside heel touch the floor – this would require your knee supporting your full weight to fu

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– 4 minutes ROKP (reverse out knee pain) backwards walking – wall to wall – with or without assistance

– 100 flutter kicks (done correctly)

– 1 minute couch stretch (each leg)

@kneesovertoesguy (Time)

Buy-in: 100 V-ups

then two rounds of:

– 25 Tibialis raises

– 25 The FHL (flexor Hallucis Longus) calf raise

– 25 Tibialis raises

– 25 The KOT (knees over toes) calf raise

– 25 The Patrick Step (each foot)

– 25 The ATG 9 (a– 2 grass) split squat (each leg)

– 30 Elephant ‘walks’ (each side)

Cash out:

– 100′ backward walk

– 1 minute couch stretch (each leg)

– 60 seconds total time L-sit from floor

(Level 1: 1 leg at a time, butt on floor)

(Level 2: same as #1, but lift butt from floor)

(Level 3: full L-sit from floor)

The ATG:

– goal is to do this on flat ground BUT starting will more than likely be elevated!

– too close of a step doesn’t allow enough depth

– correct distance allows front hamstring to fully cover the calf with perfectly upright torso

– this can be done in 5 sets of 5 on each leg with 30 second breaks between sets

– again, knee points over the 4th or 5th toes

Elephant walk:

– stretches hamstrings

– if flexible enough stand, bend over, touch palms to floor

– if tight, use box, bench or reach further out onto fingertips

– bend knees, extend one leg slowly, bend again, switch legs


– measure hip flexors strength

– leaning back reduces difficulty

leaning forward increases difficulty