CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Partners in crime (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a 30 min. time cap do as many of the following as possible:
1) air squats
2) triceps extension – 2 hand OH 45/25, Rx+ anything higher
3) barbell curls 45/35, Rx+ anything higher
4) jumping lunges
5) oblique wall ball toss 20/14
6) sledge hammer strikes
7) heavy jump rope singles, Rx+ thicker ropes
8) calf raises
9) wrist curls palms up 15/5
10) wrist curls palms down 15/5
– partner 1 runs 100m (200m row sub)
partner 2 does the exercise
– partners switch and repeat the same event
– if you finish the list of 10, start back at #1
– Score: as many reps as possible