CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Parti Time (Time)
“Parti Time”
For Time [30 Minute Cap]:
300 Double Unders
2 Mile Run
100 Toes to Bar
*Partition However You’d Like
Movement Prep
10 Double Unders
200m Run
5 Toes to Bar
– 300 Line Hops
– 450 Single Unders
– 3,200m Ski
– 4,000m Row
– 8,000m Bike
– Reduce Reps
– Knees To Chest
– 200 Sit-Ups
– Conditioning Category: Pacer
– The work can be divided however athletes would like in this workout.
– 300 double unders should take less than 5:00 total.
– 2 miles of running should take less than 20:00 total.
– 100 toes to bar should take less than 5:00 total.
– Score: Total time. If you get time capped, enter 1 second for every missed rep. Every 100m of running will equal 1 rep.
– This workout can be broken up in a lot of different ways. A few of options to think about…
* Divide the work into 4 rounds
* Alternate between the double unders and the toes to bar until all of that work is done and finish with the 2 mile run
* Alternate between double unders and toes to bar until your toes to bar start to break down, complete a 1 mile run, then come back to the double unders and toes to bar until the work is done, then complete the second mile.
– Something to note is that you will always be making forward progress on the the run. The two stations that could potentially stop forward progress are the toes to bar and the double unders.
– If toes to bar tend to be a movement that breaks down early, smaller sets are probably the best way to go from the start.