CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Adversity causes some to break. For others, it breaks records.”

Adversity can really, really hurt. Let’s not create an illusion that it’s all sunshine and rainbows. It will try our values, test our patience, and challenge who we are as human beings. It’s no warm cup of cocoa on a winter morning.

But a warm cup of cocoa doesn’t make us better. A picture perfect day doesn’t make us better. We learn when we make mistakes. When we miss, trip up, face plant, and get caught off guard. At our very basic biological level, this is how we adapt. It’s encoded in us… and it’s seriously like a secret sleeping super power.

That is, of course, if we them it our advantage. The nature of a mistake is not to tell us we suck. That we failed. That we’re not good enough. The nature of a mistake is to educate us. To give us the ammunition we need to become better. To take the challenge to earn greatness, out of something that once was not.

Adversity is not in the way to greatness.
Adversity is the way the way to greatness.
This is the championship mindset.

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Walking on Sunshine (AMRAP – Reps)

“Walking on Sunshine”

5 Rounds


30/21 Calorie Row

21 Kettlebell Swings MRx: 35/26 lb, Rx: 53 / 35 lb, Rx+: 70/53lb

Max Distance Bear Crawl Rx+= Max Distance Handstand Walk

Rest 4 Minutes Between

Movement Prep

6 Calorie Row

6 Kettlebell Swings

6 Handstand Walk Steps



– Reduce Cals

– 30/21 Cal Bike Erg

– 21/17 Cal Assault or Echo Bike

– 21/17 Cal Ski

– 21/17 Cal Air Run

– 400m Run

– 30 x 10m Shuttle Runs


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Weight

– Russian Kettlebell Swings

– Single Arm Russian Dumbbell Swings

– Empty Barbell Hang Power Snatches


– Wall Walks

– Bear Crawl

– Handstand Shoulder Taps

– Plank Shouler Taps

– Conditioning Category: Sprint

– Each round, you will complete 1 row and 1 set of kettlebell swings. With the remaining time, you will accumulate as much distance on your hands as possible.

– The row should take less than 2:00.

– The kettlebell swings are American swings that finish overhead each rep. These should be performed at a weight that athletes can complete unbroken each round and should take less than 1:00.

– For the handstand walk, mark off 5ft. sections. Each fully completed 5ft. section will count as 1 rep. You can mark out just one 5ft. section and go back and forth or mark out up to 25ft. of 5ft. sections. Each walk should start with both hands behind a line, and finish with both hands clearly over a line that follows.

– Score: Record number of reps (5ft. sections) completed each round. Your overall score will be total reps over the 5 rounds.


– We want to make it our goal to buy the same amount of time for the handstand walks each round. This means we need to find a pace on the row and kettlbell swings that we can be consistent with each round.

– We want a solid effort on the row, however, strong pulls are going to pay off more than fast pulls. We want get off the rower and get right onto the kettlebell and complete an unbroken set of swings so we need to make sure the heart rate isn’t too high. A lower stroke rate will allow us to have more control.

– Breathe on the kettlebell swings. No need to move super fast here.

– If you are confident in your handstand walks, don’t be afraid to go for big chunks of walking at a time. If you are not as confident, take the walks 5-10 ft at a time. Watch the clock and plan your rest. Rest 10-30s between attempts depending on your capacity.


Strict Pull-Up

Strict Pull-ups


5 Unbroken: 5-4-3-3-2

10 Unbroken: 9-9-8-7-6

15 Unbroken: 12-12-10-8-6

20 Unbroken: 18-16-14-10-6

25 Unbroken: 20-20-16-12-8

Movement Prep

5-10 Scap Retractions

1-2 Strict Pull-Ups



– Banded Strict Pull-Up


– We will be using our max reps score from week 1 to determine our work to do here. Complete these reps the same way you did that first week if you modified.

– Take note of the amount of time needed between sets in order to see progress as we move forward with this progression.

– We are shooting to make these unbroken sets each time, but it’s okay if they are not.

– Rest as needed between all sets.

– Score: Record All Reps