CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Most people think they lack motivation when they really lack clarity.” – James Clear

Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.

When was the last time you sat quietly on where you would be in a year from today?
5 years from today?
10 years?
… 20 years?

It’s blurry, and should be. Yet this pivotal step is far too often missed, rushed, or even avoided all together. The result: we climb a ladder to a window we never fully intended to climb into.

This is where working harder meets working smarter.

In this journey, clarity is a weapon. It will bring light to situations where we need patience, and to others where we need action. Our guardrails as we steamroll down the highway, as effort and drive is our strength. We just need to continue to point ourselves in the right direction.

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Sotts Press

Pausing Sotts Press

3 Sets:

5 Sotts Press @ Light Weights (3 Second Pause Overhead)



– Snatch Grip Strict Press


– These will be performed in the back rack position at the bottom of a squat.

– Barbell should be taken from a rack.

– Loading can be tricky here, so start very light.

– Empty barbell may be enough for a lot of athletes.


Rundy (Time)


5 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

15 Power Snatches MRx:55/35, Rx:75 / 55 lb

15-12-9-6-3 Handstand Push-ups


400M RUN

– 500m Row

– 400m Ski

– 1000m Bike (Any)


– Power Clean

– Single Dumbbell

– Double Dumbbell

– Kettlebell Swing

– Hang Power Snatch


– Use A Riser

– Handstand Shoulder Taps

– Push-Ups

– Push Presses

Movement Prep

100m Run

5 Power Snatches


– Conditioning Category: Pacer

– Today’s workout is meant to be a shoulder burner. We’ve snuck 75 power snatches (same volume as the Hero WOD “”Randy””) into a bit of a pacer. The only break we’ll get on the shoulders is the run.

– The 400’s should take less than 2:30.

– The power snatches should be a light weight that you can complete the 15 reps each round in no more than 2 sets. The snatches should be completed in under 1:30.

– The handstand push-ups are kipping. In order to complete the workout as prescribed, you should be able to complete 15+ unbroken handstand push-ups when fresh. You should not need more than 1 break on any round.

– Score: Time


1. Use the 400’s as a recovery for the shoulders and lungs.

2. Aim for 1-2 sets on the snatches. If you know the handstand push-ups could trip you up, plan to break once to give the shoulders a break. These reps do not need to be fast even though they are light. After shoulder fatigue, breathing heavy is likely going to be the next most common cause for missed reps on the handstand push-ups.

3. If you know you are going to need a break on the 15, 12, 9, and possibly 6, let’s plan on knowing when that break will be on each of these sets vs. making a game time decision. We want our break to be short so planning ahead of time can help you stay focused and get back on the wall more quickly.