CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Don’t set your heart on so many things.” – Epictetus
At first glance, this almost sounds demoralizing. Yet at the core of this statement is a cause that is so pure: to put “first things first”.
A modern mantra of our lives is that “we can have it all”. Work, family, purpose, success, leisure time. We want all of it… at the same time… and right now.
The pitfall is not the act of having multiple desires, but the lack of prioritization of them. In a world where it’s about the constant pursuit of more, we can lose ourselves in the fog. And where *everything* is important… nothing is important.
Take a moment today to contemplate our priorities. Are we focused on the right things?
Front Squat
Box Front Squat
On the Minute x 10:
2 Box Front Squats
– Pause Front Squat (3s In Bottom)
– Double Dumbbell Pause Front Squat
Movement Prep
Hit 1-3 warm-up sets with light weights.
– Weights are purposefully light in order to focus on speed and technique. The box/ball should be set to just below parallel.
– The squat down should feel like a tempo squat taking about 5-10s to reach the box. We want to pause for a brief moment at the box and then explode up FAST to stand.
Percentages based on 1RM Front Squat:
Sets 1+2 – 55% ()
Sets 3+4 – 60% ()
Sets 5+6 – 65% ()
Sets 7+8 – 65-70% ()
Sets 9+10 – 65-75% ()
Four Twenty (3 Rounds for reps)
“Four Twenty”
21/15 Calorie Row
21 Toes to Bar
21 Front Squats MRx 65/45, Rx 95 / 65 lb
Rest 4 Minutes
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Toes to Bar
15 Front Squats MRx 95/65 Rx 115 / 85 lb
Rest 4 Minutes
9/6 Calorie Row
9 Toes to Bar
9 Front Squats MRx 115/85 Rx 135 / 95 lb
21/15 | 15/12 | 9/6 CALORIE ROW
– 21/15 | 15/12 | 9/6 Cal Bike Erg
– 15/12 | 12/10 | 6/5 Cal Assault Bike
– 15/12 | 12/10 | 6/5 Cal Ski Erg
– Knee Raises
– V-Ups
– 2x AbMat Sit-Ups
– Goblet Squats
– Double Dumbbell Front Squats
Movement Prep
Practice Round:
5 Calorie Row
5 Toes to Bar
3 Front Squats at Third Weight
1 Minute Rest
5 Calorie Row
5 Toes to Bar
5 Front Squats at Second Weight
– Conditioning Category: Sprint
– We should choose weights that allow us to complete all front squat sets with no more than 1 break.
– We should be able to complete the toes to bar in no more than 4 sets on any round. If needed, reduce the reps or modify the movement.
– 3 Scores: Reps of each AMRAP. Wodify will then combine all 3 rounds for the overall score.
1. Find a pace on the row that is slightly faster than usual. Girls should aim to row above 800 cals/hr and guys should aim to row above 1000 cals/hr. The row in the first AMRAP should take less than 1:30. The row in the second AMRAP should take less than 1:15. The row in the last AMRAP should take less than 1:00.
2. We want to push for bigger sets on the toes to bar knowing that we are likely only going to get to that station 1-3 times depending on which AMRAP you are on. If you are confident in your toes to bar capacity, aim for 1-2 sets. If toes to bar tend to trip you up, aim for 3-4 sets.
3. With the barbell weights building from light weights to moderate weights, we can afford to push ourselves to hold on for bigger sets. Shoot for 1-2 sets each round.
4. While we want to push the row we want to be mindful of our breathing. If we let the heart rate get out of control right off the bat, we are going to have a tough time recovering and we’ll be forced to take more breaks than we want. Stay smooth and in control.