CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Life is like sailing. You can use any wind to go in any direction.” – Robert Brault

Are we sailing North on purpose, or is it because the wind is taking us that way?

Life will throw its curveballs. It’s unseen illnesses, injuries, and schedule conflicts. But it is a choice to allow those to change our cardinal direction. There is always a way to continue in the direction we want.

When the challenge strikes, we don’t adjust the goal. We adjust the sails.

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Helen (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
Movement Prep

Practice Round:

100 Meter Run

5 Kettlebell Swings

3 Pull-ups



– 500 Meter Row

– 1000 Meter Bike

– 400 Meter Ski Erg

– 30 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]


– 30 Single Arm Russian Dumbbell Swings

– 21 Odd Object Ground to Overhead


– Reduce Reps

– Banded Pull-ups

– Ring Rows

– 12 Inverted Bar Rows

– 12 Dumbbell Rows From Plank Position (12 Each Side)


– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– “Helen” is a classic benchmark that was last completed on 10.16.2020

– The runs should be completed in under 2:30.

– The kettlebell swings are full swings that finish all the way overhead. Choose a weight that you can complete the swings unbroken every round. This station should take under 45s to complete.

– We want to complete the pull-ups in 1-2 sets every round. Reduce the reps if needed. This station should take under 45s to complete.


1. Anytime we have a benchmark like this, we’re looking to get outside our comfort zone.

2. The first priority of this workout is big sets of swings and pull-ups

3. If you’re confident with 21 + 12 unbroken, look to find the *max* run pace that still allows for unbroken sets.

4. If the inside movements will be more challenging, slow down your run a little to maximize your ability on the swings and pull-ups.

5. We want seamless transitions between movements. As soon as you complete one movement think “how quickly can I start the next?”

Body Armor

Metcon (Weight)

Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:

12 Alternating Double DB Z-Presses (6/Side)

24 Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (12/Arm)

36 Banded Face Pulls

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets.



– Alternating Dumbbell Z-Presses

– Barbell Z-Presses

– Seated Alternating Strict Presses


– Kettlebell Bent Over Rows

– Barbell Bent Over Rows (12)


– Kettlebell Upright Rows

– Ring Rows (18)

– Inverted Barbell Rows (18)

– We ideally want to complete each station in unbroken sets.

– For the alternating Z-Presses, you will hold 2 dumbbells. While one is pressing, the other is holding in the front rack.

– More important than speed and weight/tension on any of these movements is control and full range of motion.

– Record your heaviest set of dumbbells used for the presses. Enter the weight of 1 dumbbell, not the weight of the 2 combined.