CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Pain versus Discomfort”

There is a common misconception about pain.
Pain is not what we feel inside of a conditioning workout, or the tail end of a heavy squat set.

Real pain is different.
Pain is when we are walking through the garage and step on a nail.
Pain is when we lose a limb.
Real pain, is when we loose a loved one.

What we feel inside conditioning sets is not pain… it’s discomfort.
Training isn’t painful. It’s uncomfortable at times, but – it’s not pain.
Let’s use this as a perspective change as we enter today’s training.
Today, we’ll get uncomfortable.

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The Grunt (cycle benchmark) (AMRAP – Reps)

“The Grunt” (Cycle Benchmark)


18 Power Cleans

15 Front Squats

12 Push Jerks

9 Power Snatches

Time Remaining: AMRAP Thrusters

Barbell – MRx: 55/35, Rx: 75 / 55 lb, Rx+: 95/65

– This is a retest from the beginning of this cycle. – In this barbell sprint, we’ll have 5 minutes to complete 18 power cleans, 15 front squats, 12 push jerks, 9 power snatches, and in the time remaining, as many thrusters as possible.

– Barbell must come from the floor for all movements.

– Score is total thruster reps completed.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



6 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

6 Deadlifts MRx: 135/85, Rx: 155 / 105 lb, Rx+: 185/135

9/7 Calorie Assault Bike

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– The 6 bar chest to bar pull-ups should be completed in 1-2 sets every round. Reduce the reps or modify the movement if needed. This station should take under :30s.

– The weight on the barbell should be something you can complete the 6 deadlifts in 1-2 sets every round. This station should take under :30s.

– The bike should take under :45s.

– Athletes can expect to complete between 6-10 rounds.

– Score: Rounds + Reps