CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Whether he comes to class or not, we are sending Duncan off to college with this workout!
Duncan’s Delight (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a 40 minute time cap do:
– “individual” roll outs
– 200 m run/100 m walk (for non runners)
– KB side bends (each side) 24/16 (1 KB needed)
– db bicep curls with a hold (each side) 25/15 (2 needed)
– standing side crunch with OH plate hold 25/15 (each side) (1 needed)
– 2 hand OH db triceps extension 40/20 (1 needed)
– plate weighted ab mat sit up 55/35 (1 needed)
Rx = 10 reps each (61 reps /rd)
Rx+ = 15 reps each (91 reps/rd)
The goal is to get 5 or more rounds.