CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The only thing that is different about me, is that I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.” – Will Smith

It’s not about the treadmill.
It’s what the treadmill stands for.

Will Smith is not a competitive athlete. If he runs 2, 3, 10 miles… he’s still probably going to be highly successful in his career.


But that’s not why he is, who he is. Not defined by what he’s doing, but instead by how he is doing it.

Full heart, full commitment, full effort. Wherever we go.

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Back Squat (5 sets)

Grit Squats – Week 7A

5 Back Squats

4 Back Squats

3 Back Squats

3 Back Squats

3 Back Squats


– No front squats for this session.

– This is to prep us to re-test our 5RM back squat next week.

All percentages based on 5RM Back Squat

5 Back Squats @ 87%

4 Back Squats @ 92%

3 Back Squats @ 97%

3 Back Squats @ 101%

3 Back Squats @ 105%

Chips and Dip (Time)

“Chips and Dip”

For Time:

1 Mile Run

60 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (24″/20″) 35 / 20 lb

50 Chest To Bar Pull-ups

40 Bar-Facing Burpees

30 Power Snatches MRx: 75/45; Rx: 95/65; Rx+: 115/85

– Conditioning Category: Pacer

– We should choose a weight that we can move for consistent singles throughout.

– If we can complete 20+ unbroken chest to bar pull-ups, let’s complete this as written. If not, let’s consider reducing the reps or modifying the movement.

– The mile run should take under 10:00

– The box step-ups should take under 3:00

– The chest to bar pull-ups should take under 3:00

– The burpees should take under 4:00

– The power snatches should take under 5:00

– If any of these windows seem intimating for a specific movement, let’s reduce the reps or time cap that station with the time given above.

– Score: Time