CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“How much do you care about getting better?”

Sounds like a silly question, but most don’t think about this.

When we are truly care about getting better, our view on things change. We see events as means to grow… truly chances to improve ourselves. The opposite is when we view everything as a test.

When we find ourselves comparing against others, stuck on the thought of viewing “X” as a measuring stick against our goals, remind ourselves of this question. How much do we care about getting better?

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Grit Squats – Week 4B (Weight)

3 Supersets:

“X” Back Squats

“X” Front Squats

Rest 2:00 between sets.

– Superset means that we’ll complete our back squats, quickly change out weights (if needed), and then complete our front squats. There is little to no rest between the front squats and back squats but we’ll rest for 2:00 before completing the next super set.

– All percentages based on 5RM Back Squat (both front and back squat barbells).

Set 1

5 Back Squats @ 79%

5 Front Squats @ 72%

Set 2

5 Back Squats @ 84%

5 Front Squats @ 74%

Set 3

5 Back Squats @ 89%

5 Front Squats @ 76%

“Snack Bar” (Time)

“Snack Bar”

3 Rounds:

400 Meter Run

10 Power Cleans

500/400 Meter Row

10 Push Jerks

Barbell: MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65, Rx+: 115/85

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Choose a barbell weight that allows you to complete the push jerks in no more than 2 sets (bar comes from the floor).

– The run should take between 1:45-2:30 each round.

– Each of the barbell movements should take 1:00 or less.

– The row should take between 1:45-2:30 each round.



1. The first priority today is the barbell. Find a plan that you feel is consistent across the 3 rounds. For the cleans, this may be 10 straight, 5-5, 4-3-3, or singles. For the push jerks, we want to complete all 10 reps unbroken or have 1 break at MOST.

2. Run and row at a pace that supports your strategy on the barbell. The goal is to find the “max sustainable pace” that allows you to go big on the bar. We’d rather sacrifice a little speed here for bigger sets on the barbell.