CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“There will never be better you, than you.”

There is a lot to be said about authenticity.
The first definition inside Merriam-Webster reads, “worthy of acceptance or belief.”
If there’s one sure way to find failure in something, it’s through not being ourselves. It just doesn’t pan out in the long run. While we always remain a student, the harm lies when we blur the lines between emulating the traits of our mentors… with trying to actually be them.

Our mentors do not wish for us to follow in their footsteps.
Our mentors wish for us to go further. To blaze the path further than before.

We have incredible leaders to guide us. But it is now on us to push even further. And there’s no one suited better for that, than you.

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Back Squat (Grit Squats – Week 2A )

Grit Squats – Week 2A

3 Supersets:

“X” Back Squats

“X” Front Squats

Rest 2:00 between sets.


– Building off of last week’s Grit Squats.

– Super set means that we’ll complete our back squats, quickly change out weights (if needed), and then complete our front squats. There is little to no rest between the front squats and back squats but we’ll rest for 2:00 before completing the next super set.

– All percentages based on 5RM Back Squat (both front and back squat barbells).

Set 1

10 Back Squats 62%

5 Front Squats 62%

Set 2

8 Back Squats 67%

5 Front Squats 64%

Set 3

6 Back Squats 72%

5 Front Squats 66%

Jack of all Trades (Time)

“Jack Of All Trades”

For Time:

2,000 Meter Row

30 pull-ups MRx: jumping pull-ups, Rx+: Bar Muscle-ups

40 Thrusters (115 / 85 lb)

MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65, Rx+: 115/85

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Using the row to pre-fatigue our pull-ups/bar muscle-ups and thrusters.

– This should be a weight that we could complete at least 20 unbroken thrusters when fresh.

– If we can complete 8+ Bar Muscle-ups unbroken when fresh, let’s complete this station as written.

– Score: Time