CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Grunt Work: Week 1
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – Peter Drucker
In business, this is ever important for leaders to fully understand. That the culture of a team is everything. Over any marketing plans, product launches; anything.
The same mindset is true for us as athletes.
We’ve all heard the line, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.” And we believe it to be true. The picture perfect strategy, executed half-heartedly, will always be beaten by the less-than-ideal strategy, but executed with full heart.
Our character is our backbone. During round 4 of “Kelly”, or the final minutes of an Open AMRAP, it will not be our “workout strategy” that we fall back to. It’s something deeper. Cultivate that, and everything else falls into place.
Back Squat (Grit Squats)
3 Supersets:
“X” Back Squats
“X” Front Squats
Rest 2:00 between sets.
-We’ll be building on these squats in the coming weeks.
-Super set means that we’ll complete our back squats, quickly change out weights (if needed), and then complete our front squats. There is little to no rest between the front squats and back squats but we’ll rest for 2:00 before completing the next super set.
-All percentages based on 5RM Back Squat (both front and back squat barbells).
Set 1:
10 Back Squats @60%
5 Front Squats @ 60%
Set 2:
8 Back Squats @ 65%
5 Front Squats @62%
Set 3:
6 Back Squats @ 70%
5 Front Squats @ 64%
Back Squats- Reverse lunges w/ dumbbells
Front Squats – Front Squats w/ dumbbells
Front Burner (Time)
For Time:
20 Front Squats 135/95
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Push Presses 135/95
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Thrusters 135/95
MRx: 95/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95
-Conditioning Category: Threshold
-100 reps for time at challenging barbell weight
-Choose a load that allow you to complete the thrusters in at least sets of 5 during the workout
-You do not have to stand all the way up on the lateral barbell burpees
– Take the barbell from the floor, not out of a rack
Barbell Movements:
– Sub barbell for 1 or 2 dumbbells/kettlebells
-Reduce the load
Lateral Barbell Burpees:
-Regular burpees
-Burpees over dumbbells
-Burpees over a line
1. The two most important barbell movements are the push press and thrusters. Break these up before your press out starts to struggle, as it’ll make it much easier to come back for another strong set. Consider the following options: 20, 12-8, 8-7-5, 5-5-5-5.
2. Work at a consistent pace on the lateral barbell burpees that will allow you to thrive on the barbell. We don’t want to move slowly, just steadily.
3. Make it a goal to get your hands right on the barbell after your last burpee for your first set. Even if this is 5 reps, it’s a great mental win. We can practice this in a short practice round.