CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has already taken place”. – George Bernard Shaw
Have you ever believed that you were on the same page with someone, but, as it turned out, not even close?
Sometimes we can be so sure that we have communicated everything properly, that we don’t even consider it to be a possibility.
Happens all the time, and definitely to all of us. What’s interesting, is that it’s never about effort, or the lack thereof. It’s about perspective.
What we actually don’t want to do, is “communicate” more. Part of it might actually need less.
What we may need, is to understand more. To place ourselves in their shoes. If I were them, what questions would I have? If I were them, how would I feel about this?
The illusion that Shaw refers to in the quote is the entrapment of our perspective.
Detach and think… if roles were reversed, is this clear?
See Coaches Board
Clean Technique (Weight)
5 Sets:
3 Low-Hang Clean Deadlifts
2 Low-Hang Clean Pulls
– Deadlift the first rep, then begin your low hang clean deads from there. After that, you move right into you low hang clean pulls. All 5 reps should be completed unbroken.
– Looking for double overhand and hook grip on these.
All percentages based on 1RM Clean:
Set 1 – 70% of 1RM Clean
Set 2 – 73% of 1RM Clean
Set 3 – 76% of 1RM Clean
Set 4 – 79% of 1RM Clean
Set 5 – 82% of 1RM Clean
“Shin Guard” (Time)
“Shin Guard”
Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24)
Russian KB swings 24/16
KB sumo dead lift high pulls 24/16