CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” – Bruce Lee

We would all come to quickly agree that quality repetition, through honed, focused practice, breeds mastery.

We recognize this in our sport, thinking of complex movements such as squat snatches and double-unders.

What we don’t always talk about, is how this concept applies to our social lives. We are quick to see that we need more practice reps on the double-under to get better. Can we be just as quick to identify we need more repetitions on being more forgiving? On being more receptive to feedback? On maintaining an open-mind, despite having our own strong opinions?

Just like on the jump rope… seek out the reps.

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2 Rounds for Quality:

200m Row

0:30 Active Spiderman

0:30 Active Samson

0:30 Cossack Squats

0:30 Down Dog to Push-Ups


Upper Body

1. Banded Lat Stretch

2. Banded Pass Throughs

3. Thoracic Opener

Lower Body

1. Pigeon Stretch W/ wrist stretch

2. Ankle Stretch on Box

3. Calf Stretch on Box

Snatch Technique (Weight)

3 Sets: (6-7 min.)

1 Snatch Grip Push Press

1 Snatch Grip Push Jerk

1 Snatch Balance

1 Overhead Squat

All percentages based on 1RM Snatch:

Set 1 – 40% of 1RM Snatch

Set 2 – 45% of 1RM Snatch

Set 3 – 50% of 1RM Snatch

Sets 4+5 – 50-60% of 1RM Snatch

– With percentages on the lower end, we want perfect movement here.

– Think crisp, fast, and stable throughout the complex.

– Bar will be taken out of the rack.

Squat Snatch Cycling (Time)

For Total Time:

7-6-5-4-3-2 Squat Snatches

Week #2 of 3.

All percentages based on 1RM Snatch:

7 Squat Snatches (63%) of 1RM Snatch, Rest 1:00

6 Squat Snatches (68%) of 1RM Snatch, Rest 1:00

5 Squat Snatches (73%) of 1RM Snatch, Rest 1:00

4 Squat Snatches (78%) of 1RM Snatch, Rest 1:00

3 Squat Snatches (83%) of 1RM Snatch, Rest 1:00

2 Squat Snatches (88%) of 1RM Snatch
-Your 1:00 rest begins when you finish each set.


– Let’s work on practicing touch and go reps here where we can.

“Clear The Air” (Time)

4 Rounds:

400/350m Row

30 Alternating Pistols

20 Power Snatches

MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65 lb, Rx+: 115/85

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– The barbell should feel light. We are looking for a weight you could complete 20+ power snatches unbroken if you had to.

– Score: Time