CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single minute before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank

Written by one of the most courageous girls our written world has ever witnessed. Anne Frank experienced first hand what monstrosity is. A victim to the holocaust, she had every reason in the world to turn to hate. To turn to blame. To turn away from everything that is humanity.

Yet she chose a different path. Be the change we want to see in this world.

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If you thought the start of the week was bad, wait til you see Thursday! (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

with a 40 minute time cap, do as many rds and reps of the following (ascending):

– 100m row; 5 pull- ups; 5 Ru. twists 24/16

– 200m row; 10 pull-ups; 10 Ru. twists

– 300m row; 15 pull-ups; 15 Ru. twists

– 400m row; 20 pull-ups; 20 Ru. twists

– 500m row; 25 pull-ups; 25 Ru. twists

– 600m row; 30 pull-ups; 30 Ru. twists

– 700m row; 35 pull-ups; 35 Ru. twists

– 800m row; 40 pull-ups; 40 Ru. twists

– 900m row; 45 pull-ups; 45 Ru. twists

– 1000m row; 50 pull-ups; 50 Ru. twists
– any kind of pull-up is allowed, butterfly, kipping, or strict. Scaled use bands or do jumping pull-ups.

– control the kettlebell as it touched the ground, don’t bounce it off the floor.

Roll & Stretch