CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Give more. Give what you didn’t get. Drop the old story.” Unknown

Self-identity is a weapon. A weapon that can be on either side of the trench.

When we think about this quote, we might be thinking of our past. And it you’re human, chances are that at some point in your life you held onto a bd memory. It would manifest into our daily lives in a unique way, and potentially frequently.

Every individual and experience is different, yet there is a commonality at the bottom line of all of ours; that here today, we can continue to be impacted by them.

Think about the way you think. Who is directing our lives? Will we let it be the past, or should we be the ones writing the story? It is never too late to pick up the pen.

The past does not define who we have to be today. Be the change you want to see.

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Back Squat (5 – rep max)

– a good place to start is about 80% of your 1 RM

– record your heaviest set of 5

Deviled Legs (Time)

5 rds of:

– 20 single dumbell front rack stationary forward lunges (10 each leg)

– 25 wallballs 20/14

– 20 single dumbbell front rack stationary forward lunges

– 10 single arm devil presses

db weight: MRx: 25/20 Rx: 50/35
– handle of the db is either in your hand or resting on your shoulder.

– alternate legs in the lunges.

– alternate hands in the single arm devil press