CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“When doing your risk analysis, how do you measure the risk of doing nothing?”

There will always be a reason to wait. Always be a reason to push to tomorrow. To await that right moment is a pitfall we’ve all found ourselves in, we wait for perfect.

Every single one of us has experienced this, we held off on something, and maybe never started, ultimately because we genuinely believed we were going to fail. Or at least, not get it right, to the extent we wanted.

a lens to view these decisions through, is to put us 10 years from now. What is the bigger risk – to look back and realize that the attempt didn’t come exactly the way we had envisioned, or to look back and realize that we never tried?

Sometimes the biggest risk is never taking one. Sometimes we just need to jump, and build our wings on the way down.

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Tempo Front Squat (On the 2:00 x 5)

– 3 tempo front squats

tempo: 3s down, 3s hold, 1s stand

Acid Reflux (Time)

5 rds of:

– 15 chest 2 bar pull-ups

– 12/9 calorie Echo Bike

– 9 thrusters

MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65, Rx+: 115/85
– looking for a barbell weight we can comfortably cycle 9+ thrusters unbroken when fresh

– squat clean thruster is allowed on the first rep