CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?” Joe Namath
The most powerful force in the world is our full commitment. The “man-on-fire” mentality. Unyeilding is the opposite. It’s one of the most dangerous things we can live with.
If we are going to fall flat on our face in something, then we are going to fall flat on our face. All too often we can’t control that outcome. If the ocean water is cold, whether we go in slow or fast, it’s not going to matter. It’s going to be really freaking cold. So we have two options.
Let’s burn it into our mind, that no matter what, we sprint into the water. That our standard is full commitment, in everything we do. We don’t just flirt with the idea of doing something, we go all in.
When we go to work, we show up to put in a championship performance. When we have family over for dinner, we show up to put in a championship performance. when we go to the gym to train ourselves, we show up to put in a championship performance!
See Coach’s board.
Take 10 minutes to warm up properly
Quicksand (Calories)
5 rds:
3 min AMRAP of:
– 12 single dumbbell box step-ups 24/20
– 8 burpee box jump overs
– max calorie Echo bike
MRx:15/10, Rx: 25/20, Rx+: 50/35
Rest 1 min. between rds
– this is a sprint
– choose a db you feel comfortable going for unbroken sets
– db can be rested wherever you like
– score is total calories for all 5 rds
– with only a 1 min rest be careful not to spill all your energy too early
– a good goal is to try to get an extra calorie each rd.
Roll & Stretch
– plenty of time left in class to properly roll and stretch – especially if you are going to participate in the Open!